Be #1 on Google: How to Add Rich Snippets to WordPress? |

Everyone wants to appear first in a search, for this you can choose to do or use the . All this is very good, but what is that magic formula to appear in the first position in Google? Well, this magic formula, which is not so much, is what what are structured data or rich snippets.

What is structured data?

Structured data is the markup that we give to our content on the internet so that various robots like our friend Google are able to read it.

Surely you have seen in many of your searches that Google gives automatic answers to specific questions, so that you don’t even need to click on any of the results it returns, this is due to structured data or rich snippets but, tall! Doesn’t this worsen the CTR of the search results? Well yes… But no. We tell you everything.

Structured data types in Google

The first thing you need to know is that there is not only one type of structured data in Google. Depending on the search you carry out, this intelligent robot will provide you with one format or another to satisfy your curiosity. These are the most abundant types of structured data in Google.

Recipe Rich Snippets

How will I know if a food looks appetizing just from its ingredients? Google must have thought this when it developed this type of rich format that shows us the photos of the dishes to encourage us to click on a recipe search.

Valuation Rich Snippets

Rich review snippets have been shown to help improve a page’s CTR. This type of structured data is joined by the visual that turns out to have something different from the rest, especially considering the striking color and the confidence that a page has been recommended with a good rating by many people, although in the latter, As you can imagine, you can cheat, that’s where the ethics of each one comes into play.

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List Rich Snippets

Lists work very well in articles, they are clear, concise and draw attention between long paragraphs.

  • do you use
  • lists
  • When
  • You write?

If you don’t, you should, Google likes the list format rich snippet a lot, they never hesitate to implement it to provide the user with the answers they need quickly. In addition, it is the one that uses the most space, so your competitors will end up on the floor of the first page.

Article Rich Snippets

Possibly the one that appears the most in Google searches. Wikipedia usually reigns in this category, not in vain we are talking about two of the internet giants in charge of solving all our questions.

With such noticeable search results you can imagine that the user is tempted to click and therefore this improves your CTR. Voucher! It’s clear to me, I want to apply structured data to my WordPress! Very good decision, we tell you the steps you must take to add structured data to WordPress

Add rich snippets to WordPress

We will talk about WordPress in this section because it is the CMS with the most users in the world, almost a third of all web pages are designed with this tool.

Adding structured data to WordPress has a medium-high difficulty. It’s not difficult, but you have to be very meticulous, so don’t miss any step. Or do you want to be on the first page of Google?

Perfect, the first thing you need to know now that you embark on this new mission is what is

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What is is a kind of dictionary that collects all the terms that you can use to mark your content and that Google robots and other search engines understand it. By using this language on your website, our friend Google finds it easier to understand your content and thanks you (in some cases) with a rich snippet in the first position (or position 0).

This tool is very interesting, do you want to know how to use it to add rich snippets in wordpress?

How to add rich snippets in WordPress?

There are two ways to add rich snippets in wordpress and in both you will have to use some code. The first is to add HTML tags to the text in which you want to implement rich snippet formatting using the language; the second option is to use the JSON-LD format for which you will have to write the guidelines that you want Google to follow in a separate code fragment. You can check all this if you are doing it right thanks to the tool provided by Google itself. Does it seem complicated? Don’t worry! As in everything in this life there is also an easy path.

How to add rich snippets in WordPress (easy mode)?

If you’ve read the article this far, you deserve to know the easiest ways to get your rich snippets to show up on Google. With WordPress we have it quite easy since it has many that solve our lives, and of course, on the subject of structured data or rich snippets it was not going to be less.

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But do you want to know what really is the easiest way to appear as the first result in Google? Well, the magic formula I was telling you about at the beginning of the post is the following: do not do anything. If your content is good enough to reach the first page, Google knows how to read it and detects it as such, it may give you this award. Remember that to appear first in Google thanks to the rich snippets, it is not necessary for your content to position itself in the first place.

So now the decision is yours, which way do you want to follow to add rich snippets in WordPress and reach the first position? If you have any questions or suggestions about it, don’t forget to you can leave a comment 😉

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