Branding and marketing for social networks

In free translation, branding means brand managementthat is, the way people see and talk about it.

Do you want people to relate your brand to an audience top? That’s it branding! Do you want to create a business that is sustainable and that people know that the environment is cared for when buying your product? That is also branding!

Having said that, let’s go to what interests us: how to get people to see your brand’s message through social networks?

Branding: a game of repetition

Once you have defined your product and you publicyou also need to define what will be the communication and behavior of your brand in the networks. And whoever thinks that this work can be done overnight is wrong.

For people to begin to recognize your brand’s products and proposals, you need to constantly reaffirm them. After all, your goal is condition an idea related to your business in the head of your publicwhich takes some time to prepare.

However, this does not mean that you repeat the same content over and over again but that you focus on fixing the message you want in the consumer’s mind. The keyword in branding Therefore it is,regularity!

storecloudfor example, seeks to strengthen itself in social networks as a e-commerce platform trustworthy. In this way, you will see that most of our publications are aimed at people who need serious content on the subject.

In addition to the message, also remember that the colors, fonts and style of the publications have to follow the same pattern so that, little by little, you affirm your Visual identity. Do you think the day will come when people will identify your brand by the font and colors of your advertisement, as happens with Coca-Cola? Why not?

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Choose the content for each social network

If you are part of the retail market, the first social media accounts you have to open are Facebook and Instagram. First, because it is where the majority of Internet users are, and second, because it is very easy to interact and share content with them.

Once this is defined, think about whether it is worthwhile for your brand to publish the same content on all networks or if they are different from each other. In general, brands looking to gain followers across multiple channels opt for create special content for each of them.

Why? For the simple fact that, for its users, it makes no sense to follow the brand on 2 or 3 different networks if they are only going to see repeated content.

It is best to focus on the strengths that each social network offers and develop exclusive content:


Because it is the most used, it is the main social network. And it is essential that your brand makes a presence in it. To earn points from branding or strengthen your Here you have to think about messages that generate interaction among your followers. The more commitment (engagement) have your page, the more visibility it will have among them.

Post news related to your business and that is of interest to your audience, talk about market trends, play with what is being successful. All this helps the image you want to show your customers and strengthens the positioning of your brand.

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If you just started on Facebook, we share with you one of the courses from our E-commerce University that teaches you step by step on that social network. Do not miss it!


Instagram is a social network with a strong image appeal, that is, it is the ideal place to publish artistic photos that convey the essence of your brand.

The instagram stories They allow you to take photos or short videos that last 24 hours (much like Snapchat). This is an excellent opportunity to strengthen your brand by showing news about your business, new product launches, discounts, etc.


The same strategies you use in instagram stories, you can use them on Snapchat. That is, photos and videos of your company’s day-to-day, product launches and content that bring the brand closer to your target audience.


The biggest advantage of investing in this social network is that you can get better position in Google (that is, your site is higher in the search results). But, in order not to spend a lot of time creating content that few people will see, one suggestion is to reuse the content already published on Facebook.


The biggest advantage of Twitter is its dynamism. In this social network, information flows quickly and, in the blink of an eye, you can miss many relevant topics.

From the point of view of brandingyou can use Twitter in different ways, whether it’s spreading content from your store’s blog or bringing news about your brand’s universe.

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The dialogue with your followers is also very dynamic and is always limited to 140 characters per post.


Despite not having the appearance of a traditional social network, YouTube also falls into this role and can serve as a springboard for those who want to update the branding of your brand.

At , for example, we focus on educational videos to help our entrepreneurs get more sales, but we also invest in videos that are more likely to go viral.

It is understood?

There are many social networks, right? But calm down, you do not need to have a constant presence in all of them. I chose 2 or 3 that you think are more relevant to your type of business and invest in quality content to gain followers and, little by little, influence more people.

The sooner you can communicate correctly and directly the proposals of your brand, the faster you will be able to strengthen it before your target audience.

Now that you know where to start, it’s time to get down to business!

And if you still don’t have your online store, how about starting today by taking advantage of the Tiendanube platform free for 15 days? You start too.

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