Castilla y León maintains the perimeter closure until next January 10

The Governing Council of the Junta de Castilla y León has agreed to maintain the perimeter closure of the Community until January 10, while it has approved lifting additional restrictions in all provinces except in Burgos capital

While Ávila goes to level 3, a state in which Segovia has been since last week and which implies an increase in capacity.

As the Vice President of the Board, Francisco Igea, has highlighted, the improvement in the contagion data in recent weeks makes it possible to somewhat alleviate the measures in all the provinces except in Burgos capital, where only the opening of terraces is allowed.

Thus, Ávila will go to level 3 from Saturday and equals Segovia, with which the capacity is increased and it is expected that Salamanca will join them on Monday.

Igea has also detailed that in the next Governing Council the exceptional measures for Christmas will be approved with the initial approach of allowing the mobility of relatives and close friends between December 23 and 26, December 30 and January 2 and on January 5 and 6.

As for the curfew, Castilla y León is committed to keeping it at 10:00 p.m. except on the 24th and 31st, which would be extended to 1:30 a.m. On January 5 it would remain at 10:00 p.m. except for the Three Kings and the royal pages, Igea has detailed.

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