Chrome extensions for SEO. Updated 2020 | ®

All help is little for any SEO and Yes! We are a bit of a tool freak. We always want to try something new tools that analyzes you, or measures, or shows, or “scratches” this and that. Each master has his booklet and we SEOs collect a good handful of extensions that make our lives easier; always looking for the goal of maximum benefit in the shortest possible time….perhaps the fate of our days, right?

“I already know Kung Fu” (The MatrixWachowski Brothers – 1999 -)

“Give me a fulcrum and I will move the world”. Archimedes (287 – 212 BC)

What is a Chrome extension?

Definition: A Chrome extension, also called Addons (from Add-on), is a computer element or specific application that is integrated into the Chrome browser and whose applications can be very varied, but which are applied automatically for a certain purpose. inside an interface and which is usually activated by a url.

How important are Chrome extensions for SEO?

Their importance lies in the amount of work they save, in their accessibility (most of them are activated by clicking or even without the need for it, with the simple fact of installing them and keeping them activated, they already show their applications live) and in their simplicity. of use. I do not know any SEO that does not use at least 3 or 4 addons in their browser to indicate basic issues that affect some SEO factor (Meta, links, keywords, indexing, codes, urls…)

List of Chrome extensions applicable to SEO

There are a good handful of extensions and many do similar things, so it depends on personal factors whether one or the other is chosen to carry out daily work (auditing, monitoring, maintenance, online studies,…). We are going to advise a few that we know and that cover the basic needs of any SEO project.

Chrome Extension: Web Developer

A basic classic. This Chrome extension for SEO allows you to activate and deactivate elements of the code of a page, highlighting links or html tags. Among its most valuable functions is to see a version of the page simulating the reading of Googlebot. Its Disable Java Script and Disable All Styles function allows you to see how your page is displayed with only the html code. Of course, it also has its images module to extract all the features and attributes of the images and endless functions to extract and highlight html tags and links. In conclusion, it is a fundamental addon to understand and have a complete view of all the code that is activated on a given page of a website.

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Chrome extension: SEO Meta in 1 click

This Chrome extension is quite useful for troubleshooting some of the most basic SEO elements. With a simple interface, it shows you the Title, Description, H1, links, canonical and other html tags in an instant. In addition, it has a module that displays your header structure at a glance. In the same way you have a tab with information for images and links.

Chrome extension: LightHouse

This Chrome Addon is developed by Google itself and therefore it is the one that it recommends to perform an audit per page to see vital aspects such as:

  • Accessibility (design themes, U/X and Cro)
  • Performance (Upload and download speed)
  • On-page optimization (basic elements of html tags, robots.txt, protocols)
  • PWA’s

It is a very complete complement because it not only detects errors in these fields in a detailed way, but also provides you with a guide to best practices and indications to improve each aspect that it considers deficient. Keep in mind that Lighthouse also audits Progressive web app pages, the new trend in development, so it also indicates the importance that Google is giving to this new technology.

Chrome extension: Scraper

It is becoming a vital extension for SEOs and not just blackhaters. With this plugin we can scrape all kinds of content and get a lot of information from all kinds of websites, APIs and SERPs. There are already good ones (or if you can’t create your own routes) to get the information that interests you the most. The possibilities of use are almost unlimited and its synergy with other plugins give it a plus (if you want to scrape Google mix it with ). It is basic for competition studies in e-commerce, for external and internal link building audits, for tag extraction, etc.

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Chrome Extension: Keywords Everywhere

There are many extensions or addons for Chrome that show keywords, but this one in particular, as its name suggests, puts them everywhere, in any interface where keywords appear you will have their search volume and also suggestions for other keywords. have you tried it on ? Missing search volume next to queries in Search Console? Well, with this addon your wishes are orders. By the way, it gives you the option to export any list of keywords. Wonderful!

Chrome Extension: Redirect Path

Another classic. This Chrome extension always shows you the type of response code of a url. Very useful for finding redirect loops or just to see at a glance 301, 404 or any kind of response code.

Chrome extension: Nofollow

Extension that goes to the point and paints the links that are nofollow in color, so by the way you already know which ones are follow . It has no more, but it is practical.

Chrome Extension: View Rendered Source

As its name suggests, an extension to see what part of the code of a web page is read at first and how it is read after rendering. Very useful to realize the codes that are added and the need (or not) for said codes to be loaded. The addon shows you in 3 columns: 1) the raw code that is initially sent from the server to the browser. 2) The code rendered behind the DOM. 3) The difference between the two processes, in red the part of the code removed and in green the part added or modified.

Chrome Extension: Hreflang Tag Checker

In a multilanguage project, this chrome extension will tell you if the html hreflang tags are well implemented and possible conflicts with other tags such as canonicals. Simple, but to the point.

Chrome Extension: Fat Rank

An extension for SEO that allows you to instantly see the position you occupy in Google for a certain keyword and the exact page that you are ranking for it. In addition, it allows you to select the country from which the search is extracted. It is true that the searches are covered and if you want to carry out massive searches they have a premium program.

  • add this extension:
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Chrome Extension: Keyword Surfer

It entered 2019 with great force, but it will be in 2020 where it will surely reach its massive use. It is a very powerful tool to know automatically, updated and segmented the search volumes and variations of all the keywords you search for. In addition, you can hide or show it in a simple way so that it adapts to your SERPs and its configuration allows you to change countries easily, always showing the global search and that of the chosen country. The extension intends to compete directly with others with more travel such as Keywords everywhere.

  • add this extension:

Chrome Extension: Web Vitals

After the new metrics related to web usability and user experience called Core Web Vitals and that point to a safe positioning factor for 2021, we have received a new Chrome extension: Web Vitals. In a very clear and concise way, it shows us the three metrics that encompass this new category:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
  • First Input Delay (FID)
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
  • add this extension:

Bonus track

I leave 3 extensions that also have useful applications for SEO, such as:

  1. : A great addon to know what CMS you are dealing with and what plugins are installed on it.
  2. : An extension that tells you all the pixels or code tags that are activated on a page (tag manager, facebook ads, google ads, Analytics, etc)
  3. : A Chrome extension that is applied to do YouTube SEO, since it allows you to know how all YouTube videos are tagged.

And here we come with our chrome extensions for seo. This is how the browser bar of an SEO consultant looks like. How does yours look like? Share it with us or tell us what you miss in our list. Until next time!

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