Competition analysis course – .com

In this competitor analysis course, we will see how to detect and analyze our competitors through various techniques and tools.

We will start by learning to detect our competition, because sometimes we may have certain competitors that we don’t even know about, since in the digital world, sometimes it is more important who appears on the first page of Google than our traditional competition.

We will base ourselves on finding those with a core business similar to ours, and who are our direct competition, and we will create a completely minimalist spreadsheet with which we will work and draw our conclusions.

Once identified, we will learn to analyze their value proposition, the market they are targeting, as well as their prices, in order to assess whether or not we are really comparable, and thus understand the price differences.

We will also work with more than 15 tools, some completely free, and some with a freemium version, with which we will work with the free option, more than enough to draw our conclusions. We will even learn to carry out a balance sheet analysis that will not only help us to better understand our situation, but also that of our competition.

And finally, of course, we will see conclusions and how to make decisions. And is that, why study the competition, but then we are not going to make decisions? We will see in a real case what kind of decisions we can make, even at a strategic level.

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