Cuétara cancels the most controversial campaign of the year on social networks

The brand of cookies and cereals Cuetara decided to start an advertising campaign in collaboration with the bastardazi because… what could go wrong? The answer is… everything. Cuétara has had to Go backwards and cancel one of the most controversial campaigns of all time.

Cuétara and his controversial alliance with Cabronazi

Let’s start by clarifying that Cabronazi was born three years ago as one dedicated to sharing memes, gifs and videos generally for adults and that in addition to having the word “Nazi” in its name, has as a profile image none other than a Hitler dressed in pink and with horns.

From there you can see that associating such a page with Cuétara’s “Choco Flakes” cereal, aimed at children, was not a good idea. However, it seemed correct to the company since Cabronazi has a whopping more than 12 million followers on Facebookmore than 3.7 million followers and just over 260,000 , and that’s not counting other associated profiles such as , and the .

Such an audience is undoubtedly tempting, but as numbers are not all that counts, and in this case Cuétara learned it the hard way.

Criticism of Cabronazi is not new

Cabronazi has been at the center of the hurricane for some time, not only because of the type of content he shares, but . It is likely that the impressive number of followers he has equals your number of detractors.

Its critics have pointed out more than once that this medium share content from others without citing authorship. A content that has made the company Cabroworld, which manages everything related to Cabronazi, have billed during 2017 about 370,000 euros!

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A campaign that lasted a few hours

And of course, it has not been only this fact that has caused the avalanche of criticism on Twitter and others about the alliance between Cuétara and Cabronazi. The fact that a kids and tween brand choose a partner that shares adult contentand let there be dressed up the cereal mascot as the pink Hitler of the profile of Cabronazi, it is something, at least, worrying.

But there is more: the terrible memes of Cuétara and Cabronazi

Part of Cuétara’s campaign consisted of posting memes on the web, memes that kids and tweens (and anyone wanting to troll the brand) could upload unfiltered…so the Choco Flakes mascot could be found with captions like “Hello Hitler” among other “creative” expressions. Although the memes have been deleted from the official site, it has managed to capture some:

…and these are “of the soft ones”. Another selection made by shows much cruder memes, like these:

What did you find worst about Cuétara’s campaign with Cabronazi?

— Marketing4eCommerce (@Mkt4eCommerce)

Beyond the trolling that has been generated, also there is outrage on Twitter, and many users have shown their disappointment and of course, too have launched a call for a boycottsomething that reminds us of the case of .

Now Cuétara has released a statement where he assures that he has canceled this campaign after the barrage of criticism he has received. He assured that he has proceeded to “stop the marketing of this limited edition” which in fact had barely reached some stores. He said that it was a “specific collaboration” that he wanted to have a “lighthearted tone based on the characteristic and popular humor of Cabroworld”. A tone that undoubtedly got out of hand.

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What is most embarrassing about this campaign?
1. Disguise a Pink Hitler children’s cereal doll.
2. Promote a CABROTAL website for children’s cereals.
3. Relying on plagiers as referents of memes.
4. The ALL.

— skakeo fanzine (@skakeofanzine)

(Cuetara offices)
– We are lowering sales, what can we do? Suggestions?
– let’s put Cabronazi in the cookie boxes.
– Do children like that?
– A guy dressed as Hitler who steals content from others? Of course. ALL CHILDREN FUCKING FUCKING HITLER.

— Chucki (@chuckiclampy)

Let’s face the beast of Cuétara. Not one step back!

— The R is secret (@LaRessecreto)

At first I thought it was a fake. Then I went to the calendar to see if today was April Fools’ Day or something. Has Cuétara really joined a brand like Cabronazi to launch a product? That the image of him is a PARODY OF HITLER, please!

— The Creative Creature (@lacriaturacreat)

Which episode of Black Mirror is this?

— Fleibur. (@Dr_Fleibur)

It seems to me that the thing with by has not been measured very well. It is true that CabroWorld are horny and such, but having a Hitler meme as a brand image is not going to please their corporate crisis cabinet.

— ΛLΣX (@marasfero)


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