Digital nomad course #1. What is (and what is not) a digital nomad – .com

Welcome to the digital nomadism course! This first lesson will serve as an introduction to the rest of the lessons so that we have a global vision of what we will see in the course.

During the lesson we are going to see what this is about digital nomads and what the term means. We will also see what is the difference between a digital nomad and a tourist, as well as what is NOT a digital nomad.

So, let’s see how to have the freedom to work remotely from anywhere in the world. Let us begin!

Well, now we are getting an idea of ​​what all this is about. There are neither secret formulas nor magical works. We will not live on a constant vacation, nor will we enter without working. But it is possible to live traveling, as you have seen.

So we are going to delve into the types of work to offer, businesses, services, self-employment or employment, choice of destinations, tools, equipment, how to travel and choose a destination, move around the world, and even face unfavorable situations.

Digital nomadism is not what many may think, but it is totally feasible, if we have a realistic approach, which is what we are offering. Go for it!

As always, if you have any doubt or question, you can send it through the support form of the subscriber intranet. See you in the next lesson! 🙂

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