Dynamic insertion of keywords in Google Adwords

Although it sounds complicated, the dynamic keyword insertion in Google Adwords is easier than it seems. Basically they serve so that the ad on Google changes based on the user’s own search. Keyword insertion allows you to automatically update your ads with the keywords in the ad group that caused your ads to show.

Let’s see an example. In our ad we put as a title

Buy {KeyWord:Sneakers}

AdWords will try to replace this code with one of the keywords in your ad group (“sneakers”, “cheap sneakers”, “sneakers online”), but when it can’t, it will use the word “sneakers”.

We see how by inserting a code “{}” and the keyword that we want to appear, we cover a wide spectrum of user search possibilities, something that can undoubtedly be beneficial to us.

This keyword insertion is useful to make our ad more relevant for the audience we want to address, although it varies depending on the way you write the code, whether it is with capital letters the first letters of each word, only some, none, etc.

In addition, this technique facilitates the creation of ads much faster, something that is always appreciated. With just one ad wording, we can cover dozens of ads that would otherwise take us more time to do.


But beware, it can also be a double-edged sword if they are used badly and be counterproductive for your own Adwords campaigns, or if they are used excessively. Here are some examples:

The , poorly structured, and messy many times they abuse this “technique”solving the problem on the one hand, but when it takes us to the destination websites after clicking, they may be irrelevant URLs that frustrate the good user experience of the previous moment, since it does not take into account the type of product or service that is offered, nor the intention of it, obviously.

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The dynamic keyword insertion It does NOT resolve the destination URL that the user is going to be directed to, so be careful.


Another problem to highlight, (and one of the fat ones too), is that it can lead to legal problems with the competition. Having competitor branding among ad group keywords is more common than it might seem. Now put yourself in the situation of not remembering to put it and use the insertion of keywords. Tachan! Yes, your competition’s brand appears in your ad, and yes, you’ve messed it up. Pray that they do not report you for impersonation, unfair competition…

This is already an ugly problem, you don’t want to be in this situation, avoid it.

There’s still more. If you additionally let the insert fire with very generic words or of a single term, the ads will be of poor quality and that is not good as you can imagine. Ads will appear that do not seduce the user at all and with this you will lose clicks and purchases as a result.

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