Email Marketing Course #8: Advanced Settings – .com

In today’s class we see the advanced settings of MailPoet, in which we can limit permissions, and create management pages for subscribers.

8 – MailPoet advanced settings

Well, we have already managed to send our first newsletter through MailPoet. So, we have already made all the necessary minimum adjustments to get it up and running.

However, there are some advanced settings that are worth looking at, because although they are not essential, they will allow us to have a better management of permissions and the account of each subscriber. Go for it:

As you can see, there is no difficulty in setting these preferences, and in return they give us and our subscribers more control.

Let’s go with the “homework” of this lesson (they are optional, and do not count for grade 😉

  • Create an editor and give it all possible permissions
  • Take away its permissions and it can only publish newsletters
  • Create a page with the history of sent newsletters
  • Place a widget that says how many subscribers you have
  • Create a user account management page and modify your fields.

And with this we conclude this lesson. As always, if you have any questions, you can contact me through the support tab of the . See you in the next lesson!

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