Emovili: “Unfortunately, Spain is in a precarious situation regarding charging infrastructures”

Francisco Casas and José Muñoz Torrado are partners of Emovili, a Spanish company specialized in installing charging points for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. Since its creation in 2013, Emovili has managed to gain 8% of the market share in Spain in the installation of domestic charging points. He attends elEconomista after announcing his arrival in Catalonia, hand in hand with the Catalan company Your Emobility Partner (YEP).

How was Emovili born?

Emovili we are three partners, I come from the automotive world and the other two partners come from the electricity sector. We work with another company in which we were already partners and they asked us to set up 40 charging point installations for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles for a car brand in August 2017. We thought this was the future and I think we have made the right choice. . We are heading towards the installation of domestic charging points, as well as for companies and infrastructures.

They are leaders in the installation of domestic charging points.

Right now we have 8% of the market share at the national level of domestic charging points. We have offices throughout Spain, we are the supplier most recommended by the most prestigious brands, such as BMW, Mini and Tesla, and we are doing domestic installations, both in vertical and horizontal houses, throughout Spain. We have offices in Madrid, Barcelona and the Balearic Islands and then we also have a network of installers nationwide, which is what utilities and car brands require.

“We make 20 installations every month of solar panels in Spain”

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How many charging points have you installed?

As of today, we have installed more than 3,000 domestic points nationwide. In companies we have launched more than 600 points and, especially now, we are being called by town halls from different communities, which are very aware of the sustainable world and the use of electric vehicles. So much so that some mayor has told us that the electric world is where they want to go and that they are removing bus stops for people to walk or go in electric vehicles so that the emissions of that municipality are reduced.

Where do you think the future of Emovili is going?

Emovili, as a pioneer company in the world of sustainability, has not focused only on electric mobility, but we are offering its customers to install solar panels. To be realistic, when we have thought about the world of self-consumption it has been in the time of Covid-19. In the steering committee, one thing we were clear about was that qualified personnel could not be lost and it has been at this time that we have thought about growing towards other markets within sustainability and offering the installation of solar panels with brutal success. Of every ten customers who have the possibility of installing solar panels, no less than six ask us for a consultation and we are at 70% success rate, due to the large agreements we have with component manufacturers, and we have qualified all the staff through of online courses. We make 20 installations every month of solar panels in Spain.

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They were also pioneers in the installation of mobile charging points.

Indeed, we patented the use of a piece of equipment, which it does is roadside assistance, we call it Emovili Help, in which insurers and some individuals are very interested, who need a quick recharge. We give fast charging in 15 minutes, with the aim of allowing the user to reach their home or the nearest charging point.

“In five years you can have completely green energy, and you can also sell the surplus you have”

How do you currently see the infrastructures in Spain?

Unfortunately, we are in a very precarious situation in terms of charging infrastructure. The utilities are investing and it is not a very conventional case that the oil companies are getting into this business, with which they are going at a very slow pace, because they are interested not in selling electricity, but in their business, which is Petroleum. We think this will grow, but we are far below other countries. In this we have to copy countries like Germany, France and Italy, which are far above us. The Government, whatever its political persuasion, has to be firmly committed to ensuring that the charging infrastructure is on the street and that the man who has no chance of having a garage space can charge outside.

What benefit does a user get for installing solar panels?

It’s brutal. In any investment, that in five years you have the return is something impressive. Especially with the problems we had with the rate and now that the issue of energy has been released. In five years you can have totally green energy, and you can also sell the surplus you have. What should be done is that this sale is not so controlled and sell it at a higher price so that those who invest for five years have a return.

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Do you think that in the future in Spain green energy will be paramount?

At Emovili we have taken a turn and the charging point and the electrified vehicle are very good, and that is where we have to go, but it is an issue that we cannot control. Green energy, for its part, we can control. We are fortunate to be where we are in a privileged country and that is where Emovili is focusing. I think that if Spain goes there we will be the world leader in this type of energy.

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