Facebook will no longer let you find friends nearby, but it will still get your location

Facebook has warned its users that as of May 31, all location-related functions such as Nearby Friends, weather alerts or location history will disappear from the app, the company has not given explanations in this regard.

Having the location of the phone always activated may be fine for some cases, however, so we are not exposing each step we take to be registered by the different apps that we have installed on our smartphone.

Our location offers a lot of information about us, the places we go, the hours we do it and the time we spend, they give data about our personality, tastes and personal situation, that’s why companies like Facebook collect all this information to then sell it.

Specifically, this social network had several tools that needed the location to work, such as Nearby Friends, which is used to share your location with your closest friends, although there are also others such as weather alerts, location history, or the Background location, which is used by the platform to record your movements, even if the app is closed.

However, and without explaining why, the company has begun to send a message to users who have the Facebook app installed on their phones warning that, as of May 31 of this year, all these functions that collect the location data will disappear and all the information that the company has collected in this regard will also disappear, although this will not be deleted until August 1.

It is important to clarify that while users will lose all these functions, Facebook will continue to collect this information to use it to improve “other experiences”. There is still no official statement from the company, so it is unknown what has led the platform to make this decision.

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We will have to wait for them to explain these actions, because while it is good that the presence of tools that force us to have the location activated is reduced, it is not fair that Facebook removes functions from users so that they continue collecting the same information that before.

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