February 150º: sell in the 4 corners of the world with HotPay

Have you followed our February 150º campaign? Nope?!! Then you are missing the opportunity to discover how has everything you need to take your product to any corner of the world!

Well… calm down! I have selected the links of our first two posts so you don’t miss anything about our campaign.

In today’s post we are going to explain how , ‘s payment system, has all the resources for you to sell all over the world. Continue with us!

Get to know HotPay: the payment system specialized in digital products

With more than 13 million purchases in 188 countries, HotPay was designed and developed on three pillars:

  • Smart System
  • instant processing
  • Shopping experience

Everything to boost your conversions and transform your buyers’ experience into the best possible one.

How? Through a 100% secure and reliable system, since our platform has the protection accreditations of CSE Security, PCI-DSS and 3D Secure, three of the largest security systems in the world responsible for regulating companies that deal with data banking.

One of the great doubts shared by the Producers who want to know how international sales are processed.

Our key answer is simple: thinking from the buyer’s perspective, the process is the same as a sale in your country of origin.

The buyer accesses the product checkout, fills in the purchase data and receives the information in the email.

What will make the difference in the process is the method of payment and the currency of the purchase. If you are a Producer at , it is possible to offer the credit card option worldwide, including 28 countries of the European Union, as well as Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino and Andorra.

We also have the cash payment model, which can be used by buyers in Brazil, Mexico (Oxxo), Colombia (Efecty) and Portugal (Multibanco – ATM).

Another advantage is the payment in monthly installments, which can vary according to the Producer’s country, and the purchase paid for on two different credit cards (for now, not available in Mexico and Colombia).

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Another feature of HotPay is that, depending on where the buyer is, the value of the product will appear in their local currency, since our checkout already does the conversion automatically. And if the local currency is not yet active in HotPay, the value will appear in US Dollar. Look how wonderful!

In addition to the ability to sell worldwide, HotPay has several benefits designed to optimize your sales. Here are some of them:

  • Make payment with 2 credit cards available to your buyers;
  • Offer a trial version of your product;
  • Carry out extractions in advance;
  • Select from various checkout options;
  • Carry out recurring payments;
  • Make the digital payment through Google Pay/Samsung Pay.

Payment with 2 credit cards

Often the potential buyer stops making a purchase and abandons the cart due to not having an available credit card limit.

For this reason, HotPay has the option of making the payment through 2 credit cards. By dividing the value into two different cards, you increase your chances of selling more and your customers enjoy the convenience of purchasing your product.

Free Period

Offering your buyers a trial period is great for giving them credibility, increasing the likelihood of a purchase, and reducing the chance of a chargeback request.

For this reason, in HotPay you can configure the free period respecting the maximum period of 30 days, with which your buyers have the opportunity to try your product before buying it.

Recurring payments

The recurring payment functionality allows you to offer your students a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual subscription to your product.

Without a doubt, it is an incredible opportunity to guarantee frequent benefits so that your digital business can permanently take steps forward.

Various checkout options

Another great advantage of HotPay is the possibility of working with different types of checkout: Standard, Mobile, Widget and Checkout Builder (which we will talk about below).

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With this variety of models you can find the type of checkout that best fits your digital business strategy.

Checkout Builder

Wouldn’t you like to improve your buyers’ experience at the time of purchase and, consequently, your sales?

The Checkout Builder is a tool developed by that allows you to easily and quickly customize your product’s checkout. Insert videos, images and stamps on the Checkout page, transforming the payment form into a powerful sales resource.

Here are some advantages of

  • Customize different checkouts for mobile and desktop;
  • Create different types of checkouts according to the offer or the campaign;
  • Choose from several high converting template options;
  • Improve the experience on mobile and desktop.

Watch the video right now to understand the configuration details of this tool:

Order Bump

Imagine offering an add-on product exactly as your customer is completing their purchase, without them having to go through the entire checkout flow all over again.

This is the Order Bump proposal, a strategy that has gained more and more strength among Digital Producers. Let’s suppose that your client is buying a course of sweets and, at the time of closing the purchase, decides to buy a book with 10 special recipes for Christmas sweets.

Mmmmm, who could resist it?

As you can see, the customer gets more knowledge and you increase your sales. A perfect strategy! TRUE?

In the video that we present below we explain how to increase the average ticket of your business with the Order Bump:

There’s news in HotPay! Find out what the new international payment methods are

Good news! Two other amazing new resources have just arrived at HotPay to help you sell around the world: SEPA payment in the European Union and Multibanco in Portugal.

The European public gains two payment options and increases your chances of selling your product in other countries. See how it works:

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1) Bank transfer to countries of the European Union

Now your customers can feel safer by being able to pay by SEPA transfer (Single Euro Payments Area). SEPA will work automatically if the “bank transfer” option is enabled.

The countries that have this option available are: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (including Ceuta, Canary Islands and Melilla), Estonia, Finland (including Äland Island), France (including the territories of overseas French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Réunion, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin, Saint Pierre and Miquelon), Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal (including Azores and Madeira), United Kingdom (including Gibraltar, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Jersey), Czech Republic, Ireland, Sweden, Bulgaria, Romania, Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland and Croatia.

2) Multibank System (available in Portugal)

The “Multibanco” option works as a kind of interbank system for payment services.

It is a fairly common practice in Portugal to pay for online purchases by transfer, by issuing an ATM reference (you can use a Multibanco ATM or the home banking service).

Here are some other resources available to you at HotPay that will help you boost your sales:

  • Multiple purchase attempts;
  • Discount coupon;
  • Recovery of unpaid cash tickets;
  • Cart abandonment log;
  • Recovery of rejected card sales due to cash payment receipts;
  • Affiliation System;
  • … and much more….

Well, have you learned everything you need to know to sell abroad with our February 150th campaign? We hope so! =)

Start putting it into practice right now and… good business all over the world!

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