Giveaway on Instagram: know the rules and the best tools

Are your business followers on Instagram not engaging with the content you post? Does it sometimes seem that all the effort you put into this social network is useless?

So how about run a giveaway on Instagram to strengthen the relationship with the target audience and, incidentally, conquer the long-dreamed-of I like it?

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks in Latin America, where, for example, Mexico is the country with the most users in the region, with more than 26 million usersaccording to data from . Therefore, it is no mystery that more and more brands concentrate their actions there.

The problem is that the platform’s algorithm favors posts with a lot of likes and comments more. With this, small businesses and accounts with few followers go unnoticed on the network.

In this context, doing a giveaway on Instagram can help you gain more space on the social network. And we’re not just talking about I like it and new followers, but also more engagement.

With this in mind, we have put together everything you need to know about the topic, such as the best tools and what the rules are for giveaways on the platform.

Can you come with us?

What are giveaways on Instagram?

Giveaways on Instagram are promotional actions valid for a limited time to promote a product or service of any brand.

It works in a similar way to promotions carried out by physical companies, such as traditional coupons and cultural contests. The difference is that, instead of someone manually drawing the winners in a ballot box, for example, the process is carried out through an application.

To participate in a giveaway on Instagram, entrants must follow the brand’s profile, “like” a post, or post a comment in accordance with the promotional action rules established by the brand.

Why run giveaways on Instagram?

I am sure that you have already seen – or even participated – in some giveaway on social networks. But do you know what drives so many brands and companies to adopt this practice in their profiles?

As you have already imagined, doing a promotional action on Instagram brings several benefits. And then you can see some of them:

More interaction from followers

As you may have already noticed, most giveaways on Instagram require the follower to interact with the brand page. It can be by liking or commenting on a specific image, for example.

This type of action increases the number of users, that is, the followers begin to interact and relate more to the page. With this, the platform’s algorithm understands that the brand’s publications are more relevant, making them appear on the walls of more people.

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More online visibility

Another fairly common way to run a giveaway on Instagram is to ask followers to tag one or more friends in the comments of a photo.

With this, the publication is seen by more people, increasing the visibility of the brand In the net. And the more users exposed to the brand, the higher the number of followers and of course likes and comments!

Closer relationship with the public

Who doesn’t like a gift, right?

Carrying out sweepstakes and promotional actions on Instagram is a way to strengthen and improve the relationship with followers.

When the prize is relevant, the action, in addition to arousing desire, will make your followers feel more valued.

How to run a giveaway on Instagram?

Have you realized how this type of strategy can be advantageous for your business?

However, for your Instagram giveaway to work, it is very important to plan it carefully.

Bearing this in mind, we have listed the 5 steps you must follow when carrying out a promotional action like this:

1. Set the goal

Like any digital marketing strategy, the first thing you have to do is take into account what you want to achieve with this award.

When you set a clear goal, you can pinpoint what steps need to be taken to achieve it.

An Instagram giveaway can help your business in many ways! But the most common goals are:

2. Determine the prize and the number of winners

Now that you know what result you want to achieve with the draw, it’s time to set the prize.

The ideal is to reward the winner (or winners) with products or services of your own business or that they have any relationship with your brand.

By doing so, the participants of the promotion will have a greater identification with your business and with the solutions that it offers. That is, they will not stop following or interacting with your profile after the end of the giveaway.

In this sense, seeks to meet you . This makes it easier to choose the best approach for your giveaway.

Another important detail is the number of winners. There are no rules, but it is important to assess whether you will be able to take on many winners.

3. Make the rules

Now it’s time to define what the participants have to do to compete for the prize. That is, the necessary means to reach the objective that you have chosen there in the first step.

And because the possibilities are practically endless, what counts here is .

You can create a exclusive for your giveaway and ask your followers to post photos with that term.

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Beyond creating a single identity for your brand, hashtags still function as a . That is, it is much easier to search for a product or service of your business on the network.

Other fairly common tactics during an Instagram giveaway are:

  • Follow profile: It is the one that most helps to increase the reach and number of followers of a brand. It also works if combined with other criteria;
  • Give a like on a post: you just have to ask the user to “like” the official photo of the promotion to participate in the draw;
  • Tag one or more friends in the comments: another technique that helps to increase the number of followers and the reach of the brand in the social network;
  • Answer a question: It is a classic and very efficient criterion to increase the user’s commitment to the brand.

And of course, don’t forget to put a promotion start and end datewhen the draw itself will take place.

It doesn’t matter what the purpose of your Instagram giveaway is. Criteria and rules should be quite clear to prevent confusions.

4. Spread the giveaway

With the rules ready, start spreading your giveaway on Instagram. Create an attractive image and write a seductive!

To increase participation, it is even worth communicate the promotion in other channelssuch as brand social media, blog, website and email marketing.

Keep an eye out for times when your audience is most active online to ensure maximum views.

And use all the resources of Instagram to promote your giveaway, such as .

5. Analyze and disseminate the results

The moment most awaited by your followers has arrived: the announcement of the winner or winners.

Before communicating who has won the prize, make sure check if the draw did not violate any of the rules of your promotion.

With everything in order, you just have to reveal the names of the users and contact them by direct message.

And to turn your sweepstakes broadcast into an exciting and unforgettable event, one piece of advice is announce the winners through a .

Are there rules for conducting sweepstakes on the social network?

Even if you don’t believe it Instagram has its own rules for giveaways and promotions on the platform. you can consult them .

The platform advises you not to encourage users to tag themselves in photos they’re not in, for example.

In addition, the social network advises that, when running a giveaway on Instagram, you make it very clear that it is not promoted, sponsored or managed by the platform.

And that’s not all. It is important to pay attention to the rules of the Federal Government for the distribution of prizes.

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Depending on the country where you are, non-compliance with these guidelines can result in fines and even the loss of your Instagram account.

4 platforms to carry out giveaways on Instagram

Now that you know everything about giveaways on Instagram, how about knowing the best websites and applications to carry out your award?

We have separated the top 4 platforms. Check out:


Our first suggestion is one of the easiest to use to run a giveaway on Instagram.

You just have to enter the URL of your promotion post and the tool lists all the comments and gives each one a number.

It is a complete tool in everything related to raffles with a blog and tutorials where you can discover how to further improve your raffles on the networks.


is another widely used and quite easy to use.

After creating a login on the platform, you register the Instagram account you want to run the giveaway on, choose the promotion post, and that’s it!

Easypromos is a tool that contains endless functions to manage all your social networks and provides extensive support, since it is a paid application that has different plans and rates.


this is a free application to get the winners of your giveaway.

And to get it, the way is very easy, you just have to insert the URL of your giveaway publication and also enter the number of winners you want to draw. Then the application itself will be in charge of choosing the winners and also the substitutes.


Unlike other platforms, is paid. However, he does have some unique advantages and features.

Quite complete, the application can be used on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and even on your business website.

Additionally, Wishpond can be used for more complex promotions such as photo, video, hashtag, and text contests.

Now that you know how to run a giveaway on Instagram, how about continuing to learn how to use the social network to get your business off the ground?

Did you know that you can sell on Instagram and that the social network even has a kind of online store? Nope? So, be sure to read our full text on the subject. .

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