Google Adwords Account Review Step by Step –

Once we have registered our account and have created the first campaigns, it is time to review everything and we will be able to launch them. Do not forget that

For a correct review, and that we do not overlook anything, we are going to make a list with the parts of the campaigns that we have to pay attention to.

Once we have examined everything, it will be time to activate our first Google Adwords campaigns.

Main parts of the campaigns that we must review

– Account.

– The campaigns and their configuration.

– Ad groups.

– Announcements.

– Keywords and concordances.

– Ad extensions.


It’s important, when going through the entire setup, that we start from the top down. Therefore, the most important thing, and where we should start, is with the Adwords account itself and its configuration.

The most important points that we should pay attention to are:

  • The payment method. It is almost the most important thing because if we have entered a payment method that is not valid or that does not have funds, the campaigns will not be functional.
  • Google usually offers all new accounts a discount coupon. This type of coupon is usually €75 free, but you have to invest €25. If you don’t get any of these bonuses, any Google Partner can ask for it on the partner website. On other occasions, Google sends it directly to your email when two days have passed since you created the account but you have not activated the campaigns.
  • Organize and divide the total budget that we want to spend that month between the different campaigns. It is important to be clear from the beginning with which budget we are going to have each month. It is better to adjust the budget that we want to spend throughout the month and thus divide it by days, all of this, before activating the campaigns. In this way, we can avoid scares at the end of the month.
  • The structure of campaigns and ad groups must be well thought out and configured. We have to be clear about the functions of the search campaigns and those of , to get the most out of our budget. Depending on what our objectives are, one type of campaign or another will be better for us.


As we have mentioned in the previous point, being aware of the purpose of each campaign, with its respective ad groups, will be essential to achieve the objectives that we have planned.

Next, from , We recommend modifying and leaving to our liking all the columns that we are going to be able to see with results and adjusting to those that are really going to provide us with valuable data to optimize our campaigns. For example, the basic data we need to look at is: Clicks, Impressions, CTR, Average Position, Conversions, Conversion Rate, Cost Per Conversion, and Impression Share.

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In this way, we leave it configured from the beginning, if not, every time we are getting the columns, they will be the default ones by Google. It is always advisable to have the most important data in view.

Once you have reviewed the campaigns and the configuration of the columns in a general way, it is time to review the configuration of each one. This point is important, because we do not want to start badly because of a bad configuration.

If we select a campaign and click on the configuration tab, we can find the different options:

  • The campaign type is where you determine if it is search or display. In this case, depending on what you are looking for, you can choose one or the other. We always recommend that, either one or the other, it be marked as “Only for…”, since, in this way, the optimizations and review of results will be easier and clearer.
  • The networks, where you choose which sites will be used so that our ads can appear. In search campaigns, it is recommended to mark “search partners” to give our ads a greater reach and as it progresses and we get results, we can see if it is worth continuing with it or not.
  • On which devices we want our ads to appear. In case you want to segment by devices, this is the place. In general, now at the beginning it is always interesting to try to appear in all of them equally, and according to the results that we are obtaining, modify it.
  • Geographic segmentation allows us to choose the locations, from a small town to the whole world, depending on who we want to impact. In addition, you can choose between users who are in that location, or who have simply shown interest in it.
  • The language in which the user uses their browser for search campaigns. That is why, at the beginning, it is always recommended to choose all languages, or at least English, Spanish and Catalan.
  • LThe bidding strategies are the ones that will let us control the payment system, if we want to add the price of the CPC ourselves, if we leave Google a margin to get as many clicks as possible (Maximize clicks), etc. As we still do not have data on which to base ourselves to choose a CPC manually, it is recommended to add the manual CPC, but with the option of enhanced CPC, with which we indicate to Google that it can increase it by 30% or lower it by 100% depending on the chances of generating a conversion. It is very important to set a daily budget to avoid scares when paying.
  • The form of publication of the announcements is limited to two options, the standard and recommended, where the budget is spent on a regular basis, or the accelerated way, with which the publication of the ads is not optimized so much, causing the budget to be spent before.
  • The start and end date of our campaign, it is not usually published, unless it is a campaign with a limited time, such as a specific offer. Ad scheduling allows us to select the times we want our ads to show and which times we don’t.
  • Currently Ad rotation only has two options, one is that Google prefers the ads that convert the best, and the other option is that all ads are shown equally. At the beginning, we always recommend the second option, since in this way, we will be able to check manually and through the results that we are obtaining, which ads work better, and we will be the one who configures it manually so that some are shown and not others. .
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If we access the Ad Group tab we can see the structure we have created. Each group of ads with its status, the maximum CPC and the rest of the data, which should be zero at the moment.

When reviewing the different groups that we have created, it is important to take into account the different points:

  • Each group should be organized by similar themes, such as services offered, product advertised, or different categories on your website. It is important that from the beginning an intelligent division is made by ad groups, in order to have the campaign optimized from the beginning. You can always add new groups as we get data with the campaigns, for example, the search terms that users use can give us new ideas for new ad groups.
  • The names that we are going to use for each ad group is very important, especially when it comes to organizing ourselves and saving time in future revisions. If a nomenclature is chosen that follows an order and is consistent with the keywords used in each group, it allows us to know the content of each group just by reading the name. In general, we always recommend using one or two descriptive words from the group first, for example “brand”, “competitor” and then adding the type of campaign, “search” or “display”.
  • Each ad group we have created should have several keywords, there is no exact number, but at least they are related to the theme of the ad group. The important thing is to achieve the objectives that we have set at the beginning, and if it helps us to only have 2 keywords in exact agreement per group, go ahead.


In each ad group we have to have several ads, so at this point, it is important to check that they have the different characteristics:

  • The number of ads that make up each group may vary. For example, if we have a lot of traffic, it is recommended to have at least 3 different ads, if the traffic is low, a couple of ads at the beginning could be enough. In this way, as the campaign progresses and it provides us with data, we see the performance of the different ads, and the one that is working the worst is the one that we can modify. We look at the ads that work the best, and try to analyze how they differ from the one that works the worst, in this way we keep the ads in continuous improvement.
  • Text ads consist of two titles, a description, and a display url. To make your ads relevant and get the most out of them, you need to include the keywords that users have entered in the search network. It is important that each ad is similar to the ad group to which it belongs, to the keywords and to what the user is going to find on the landing page.
  • It’s just as important to check that the destination URLs are functional and related to what is being conveyed in the ad.
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As we have mentioned in a previous point, the number of recommended keywords per ad group is relative and depends on our goals. But what we always have to check before launching our campaign is the match type.

The use of keyword matches is what can make the difference when it comes to achieving our goals with the least possible budget. Remember that match types can be broad, modified broad, phrase, exact, or negative. Each of them means that the type of similarity with the term searched by the user must be the same or may have certain variations. This means that, for example, we use broad keywords, we will impact many users but the similarity with the search term is minimal, so we can reach more people but the search intention is lower. While if we have exact keywords, we know exactly what the search terms are for which our ad jumps, therefore we go into more detail, the interest, in principle, is greater.

When we start to launch our first campaigns, we always recommend starting with broad modifiers or phrase match, this way we don’t limit the search terms too much, nor do we impact terms that may not have to do with our keywords. And as we have already repeated several times, once the campaigns start to provide search term data we can analyze it and use it to optimize our keywords and their matches.

A very important part when reviewing the…

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