Google launches its search for similar products in images

Google a new search function that covers, at the moment, a small group of article types, although will expand in the coming months. This feature is available on the mobile web and in the Android search app, where you’ll find the new search for similar products.

Machine learning at the service of your business

The two main questions you have when looking for items for sale online are availability and price. That is why if we bring this essential information even closer to our potential customers, it is much more certain that they will end up with the purchase.

This new feature makes use of the machine vision technologyaccording to , and aims to help users to find products they like in relation to an image. That is, if you search for a “lifestyle” image and click on it, Google will inform you about the prices and availability of the articles that are related to the photo.

Users can compare and access images and then google artificial intelligence will display a list of products that appear in the photo (or similar items) so that they can buy them, if they liked them. In this way, the search for similar articles will allow users to navigate more easily through the images and obtain valuable information. around the articles of your interest.

Initially the function will be centered on shoes, bags and sunglassesand in the coming months may include products for the home and garden among other clothing.

How to relate your brand in similar products

The similar products tool mainly collects prices and availability of the items that can be found in an image, and of course, if you want your items to be shown in these new search results, Julia EnthovenProduct Manager at Google Image Search so that your products appear as similar items.

  • Make sure the product offers on your pages use the , including an image reference. The products with name, image, price and currency, and availability metadata on their host page are the ones that will be able to appear as similar items.
  • Test your pages with the so you can verify that your product markup is formatted correctly.
  • See how your images turn up in image search by issuing the query “site:”. For results with valid product branding, product information may appear once you tap on images on your site.
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You should keep in mind that Googlebot can take up to a week to crawl your website again. In fact, the search for similar articles is not new, since since December it was introduced to the search results, but Google never announced it publicly, until now.

The carousel of similar products gets Millions of daily impressions and clicks from all over the world, so it is a very good opportunity to publicize all your articles.


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