Helloprint: opinions and assessment of your online printing company – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce


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Helloprint offers a personalized service at all times, and although some aspects such as design could be improved, it promises to go up the ladder in the online printing sector.


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They are becoming more common websites of. Among them they compete in quality, design and service. But, how does an eCommerce of graphic services really work? , but today we review and analyze one: one of the online printers with the greatest presence right now in our country.

About the design and usability of Helloprint

The online shopping experience at Helloprint is simple and intuitive. The responsive design of the website adapts to mobile devices, and access to the different products is fast, as they appear categorized, both on the home page and in the drop-down menu of the tab. “All the products”. Similarly, it is also easy to access to specific offers from Helloprint, highlighted on the main page, as well as the access to the graphic service of the company.

It is true that Helloprint’s website design is simple and very visual. They use bright colors (they combine the color pink and blue with photography) with sans-serif fonts. However, they could perhaps play around with icons or vectors, animations, or interaction with buttons and images (called hovers). Multimedia elements such as infographics are also missing, very much in vogue in terms of web design today. It is, in short, a clear and concise website, but not too striking in terms of design, especially if we take into account the trends that are currently prevail in the web landscape.

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Wide variety of products

It is indisputable that Helloprint offers a wide range of graphic services: signage services, stationery, banners, invitations, t-shirts, flags… We can access them through the drop-down menu or by clicking on the corresponding tabs that appear on the main page.

The process of designing and purchasing a product is as follows:

  • We choose the products and their characteristics. For example, flyers in A4 size. Here, in addition, we must select a run, type of paper and other printing options. In this step, the website itself also makes us recommendations regarding prices (which appear without VAT in this first phase). Finally we must choose the type of shipment desired.
  • Once we finish covering our shipping information and confirming the order, we must upload our design But if we don’t have it, we can choose one of the design templates provided by the printing house (they have up to 10,000+ free templates)or resort to Helloprint Design Studio. From the printing house itself they offer personalized design services and with the possibility of revision by the client.

Other considerations about Helloprint

  • Shipping costs: Helloprint’s shipping costs vary depending on the weight of the product and the customer’s location (if we write our postal code, it calculates the total costs). This shipment and the packaging of the product, which can be delivered from 24 hours, are always charged.
  • Payments: Helloprint’s payment methods are quite comprehensive. They can be made through Paypal, by bank transfer or by card: Visa, Master Card and American Express.
  • Delivery points: In addition to home delivery, Helloprint has more than 4,000 delivery points to make it easier for the customer to pick up.
  • Cancellations or Returns: Helloprint allows the return of any of its products as long as it is due to a factory defect, or due to wrong shipment. Simply by sending the return document that is attached to each order.
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In general, we can say that it offers a personalized service at all times, and although some aspects such as design could be improved, it promises to go up the ladder in the online printing sector.

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