How to create a strong (and effective) password

A password is often our accounts’ only defense against hacker attacks, so it’s vitally important to create a password that’s as secure as possible.

However, according to one 52% of Spaniards do not care about creating a secure password and one in two never change their passwords. As if that were not enough, 90% of the passwords that we consider safe are not.

If you want to know if your email addresses and passwords have been stolen, there are tools like , or .

Tips for creating a strong password

1.Use more characters

The Spanish proverb says that what is good, if brief, is twice as good. Forget sayings because if we talk about passwords you must apply the opposite criteria.

Create a password for 12 characters minimum And it goes without saying that the more you can add, the better.

  • Wrong: diecc
  • Good: RDieccel4a0n

2. Combine different types of characters

Create a password that combines uppercase letters, lowercase letters, symbols, numbers, and letters. The greater the variety of characters, the more difficult it is to crack the password.

  • Wrong: decjkl
  • Good: DecJklan*Ri7es

3. Avoid sequences and obviousness

avoid sequences of numbers, letters, keys or predictable passwords that can be hacked by brute force in seconds. Similarly, don’t use common character substitutes like the number “0” instead of the letter “O,” the at sign “@” instead of the letter “a,” or the number “3” instead of the letter “e”.

  • Wrong: 123456, abcdef, qwerty, password, M@nu3l
  • Good: M4t6@fK-hqX9

4. Avoid personal data

Never you use personal data such as your first name, last name, year of birth, address or pet names in your passwords. The information shared on the internet and especially in is frequently used against you to crack your passwords.

  • Wrong: ManuelGarcia82
  • Good: M8n2e0J9rZIo
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5. Don’t use real words

Avoid using real words that may appear in the dictionary. Any common word or combination of words will be easily decipherable by automated programs used by hackers. Instead, it creates new words that are much harder to guess.

  • Wrong: Basketball
  • Good: VarSqeT&V*li

6. Don’t reuse passwords and change them regularly

Do not use passwords that you have already used before because you will be putting multiple accounts at risk. Create individual and original passwords that have not been used previously and remember to change them regularly. Don’t just change a couple of characters, change them completely.

7. Enable two-step verification

Whenever possible, enable multi-factor authentication on your most important accounts to add an extra layer of security.

It is used by your phone, email, fingerprint, facial recognition or a USB key to check that it is you who is really trying to access the account provided that the entered password was correct.

Another option is to use a authentication app such as or that allow you to generate your own verification codes, protecting you against sending false or fraudulent verification codes.

Techniques to create a strong password

There are several techniques for creating strong passwords. These are the most common ordered from lowest to highest security.


A passphrase or password phrase is a sequence of real words unrelated to each other and following an illogical order. If you want to increase security, you can add special characters between words.

The main advantages of this method is that the generated password is easier to remember and that protects the user against brute force attacks and hacker dictionary.

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  • Cat!Capri?Kebab*Billie
  • Astra-Danke?MakiIGhrFN0CM

How to remember and manage all your passwords?

Although it may seem obvious, it is of little use to create a strong password if later you are not able to remember it and end up blocking and losing access to your own account.

To remember your password you can resort to mnemonic rules, use a Password Manager like or or even write it on a physical support such as a sheet or notebook that you keep in a trusted place.

No method is 100% safeas password managers are frequently attacked by hackers and in the case of physical support, there is the possibility that you lose the sheet or notebook.

Whichever method you choose, never save your passwords in a digital documentbecause if someone gains access to your devices or accounts they will also have access to your passwords.

Remember that a weak password can have fatal consequences such as compromised personal information, identity theft, or even fraud. Create strong passwords and update them regularly to protect your accounts.

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