How to edit WordPress templates?

A is a set of files that includes images, style sheets, and code. The theme defines the visual appearance of your website and determines its functionality.

However, themes don’t always include everything a website might need. That’s why it’s good to know how to customize your templates to include more features and improve the user experience.

In this article, we will explain how to edit WordPress templates to get the website you need. We will also mention other methods that you can use to customize your safely.

What is the WordPress theme editor?

The WordPress theme editor is a simple text editor within the . It allows users to customize the theme files, either by attaching an additional sidebar, making it mobile-friendly, or by embedding custom videos in the header.

To edit WordPress templates, you can access the editor from Appearance -> theme editor. The right part of the window displays a list of the template files included in the theme. Clicking on one of them will display the code in the theme editor, where users can start making changes.

To select other themes to modify, go to the top right corner of the screen and click on the dropdown menu.

Selecting another theme here will only open the theme files but not activate the theme. If you want to activate one, you should go to Appearance -> Topics.

Since all template files are written in , , JS , and , it is crucial that you feel comfortable editing those files, as there is no option to undo changes.

Once you are done customizing the theme, click the button update file. One nice thing about the WordPress theme editor is that it will prevent unwanted changes from being accidentally saved when there are errors in the code, allowing you to go back easily.

However, make sure you edit the files correctly and be careful when pasting code snippets. Pasting the code incorrectly could lead to syntax errors and cause your site to crash.

If you are a developer working for a client, it may be best to disable access to the theme editor. This will prevent unwanted errors, as the client might not realize the potential risks of editing the source code.

Additionally, disabling access to the theme’s code editor can prevent hackers from introducing malicious code to your site.

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Always create backups if you are customizing the theme code. Learn how to WordPress with our guide.

Other ways to customize your WordPress theme

Apart from using the theme editor, there are several other ways to edit the appearance of your WordPress website.

Use page builders

Many WordPress themes support multiple page builders, such as , and . Most builders offer drag and drop functionality, allowing you to customize your theme without having to manually change a single line of code.

To customize your site using a page builder, simply install one that is compatible with your theme and use the options provided to start tweaking the layout of your pages.

Although page builders offer great flexibility when it comes to modifying the content of your website, there are also disadvantages to consider.

WordPress builders transform the layout into specific shortcodes that depend on the plugin. This means that if you disable the page builder plugin, the shortcodes will stop working and you will lose your layout.

Furthermore, shortcodes can also negatively affect the page load time of your site.

Edit theme files

Another way to edit WordPress templates is directly from the theme files. To do this, go to the hPanel control panel and click on file manager.

  1. Find the folder public_html.
  2. Click on a folder named wp_content -> themes.
  3. This folder contains all the themes you have downloaded to your WordPress site. Double-click the currently active theme file that you want to edit.
  4. Then select the theme file you want to customize and click the icon Edit in the menu bar.
  5. This will open the text editor which can be used to customize the code to your needs. Clicking the button Savethe changes will be updated on your site.

The list of theme files may vary depending on the theme. However, all WordPress themes include these essential files:

  • Stylesheet (style.css) – design-related features, such as fonts, colors, and layouts.
  • functions.php – Theme features and functionality, such as custom widgets and logos.
  • template files – a combination of HTML, template tags and PHP code that generate the content of your website.

Use WordPress plugins

If what your site lacks is just basic functionality, . There are thousands of options on the , ranging from eCommerce and security plugins to social media integration and .

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To make sure you’re installing the right plugin, pay attention to when it was last updated, how it is rated by users, and whether it is compatible with the .

Also, if you just want to edit the style and layout of the theme, you can use a plugin like . This plugin generates a copy of the style sheet and overrides the original. It allows users to modify the design and style of their website without touching the original theme files.

Install a child theme

A acts as a subtheme that inherits all the features of the parent theme. It overrides the features and functionality of the parent theme, allowing users to make changes without losing the core functionality of the parent theme.

It also helps preserve your edits in case the parent theme is updated.

A child theme has its own files style.css Y functions.php and is stored in a separate directory from the parent theme. There you can add new files and make changes to the style, layout parameters, programming and scripts.

There are several ways to create child themes in WordPress. For example, you can set up a child theme folder via the File Manager or install a plugin, such as .

Additional tips for editing WordPress templates

Although editing the original code with the theme editor gives you full control, it is also possible that your site will crash and the necessary pieces of code will be lost.

Not to worry, as in the next section we’ll look at some security practices to apply before you start customizing a WordPress theme.

Always create a backup of your files

Creating a backup of your WordPress site is essential when making important edits. This can avoid having to redo settings and customizations from scratch if something goes wrong. Instead, you can simply download the backup files and have your site back up and running.

Sometimes you may not need a full backup. In this case, save a copy of the stylesheet.css It is a good idea. If something goes wrong, you can delete the file and upload the original to overwrite the changes.

Set up a local test server

When you customize code or use a child theme, it’s always a good idea to do it on a localhost first. This will allow you to preview any customizations you make before applying them to your live site.

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To do this, you will need locally using MAMP either WampServer. This will give you access to a .

There you will be able to test the edits you have made to your WordPress theme and review the content of your website, such as pages or posts. Once you’re happy with the changes, you can upload them to your live website.

Use version control

With version control, users can track and undo changes within your WordPress website. It also allows you to restore previous versions and saves you the hassle of manual editing.

Version control is especially useful if you work in a team, as it is an excellent tool for collaborative work.

There are multiple solutions for version control in WordPress, from using Git repositories, like and , to installing a plugin, like , and .


Being a flexible CMS platform, WordPress offers its users a lot of customization options, including its theme code editor. This provides an easy way to access the theme’s source code, allowing you to customize your site’s design.

However, the text theme editor is only recommended if you have the proper programming skills, as it can break your site and lose any edits made before an update. As an alternative, there are other methods that involve less risk, such as installing a plugin that meets your needs and creating a child theme.

Ultimately, whatever method you choose to edit WordPress templates, make sure to keep in mind the security tips mentioned in this article to get the best results. Good luck!

Gustavo is passionate about creating websites. He focuses on the application of SEO strategies at for Spain and Latin America, as well as the creation of high-level content. When he is not applying new WordPress tricks you can find him playing the guitar, traveling or taking an online course.

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