How to know if FFP2 or KN95 masks are approved, the best against Covid-19

The have been imposed as the best protection system against Covid-19. Thus, the decision has been made to distribute FFP2 masks to people for free in pharmacies. Next, you have a series of tips to know what an approved FFP2 mask must have and why NK95 masks are not.

Why the sale of FFP2 masks has grown: aerosols and fear of interiors

The Government explains that FFP2 masks should be reserved for health personnel. However, this document was made in the early stages of the pandemic, when there was a shortage of Personal Protective Equipment. However, the OCU still maintains (as does the administration) that those for healthy people. a kind of protection

Despite the discrepancies of the experts on which mask is the correct one, there are several reasons why FFP2 masks have prevailed during the third wave of coronavirus.

1. There is no shortage of masks: Spain and Europe experienced a shortage of medical supplies at the start of the pandemic, which is why it was urged that FFP2 masks and other Personal Protection Equipment be reserved for healthcare professionals. However, there is currently no shortage of masks and, therefore, the general population can easily use and acquire FFP2 masks.

2. You have to live with the virus: the best way to combat the transmission of the virus is home confinement and avoiding contact. A measure that the economic situation does not allow. Therefore, the population must go to work and use public transport. Situations where the FFP2 mask is the one that protects the most.

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3. Why they are the ones that protect the best: FFP2 masks are the safest because they have a high filtering capacity in both directions: the person who wears them is neither contagious nor contagious. In addition, they are the ones that best adapt to the face and, therefore, are safe against aerosols, a transmission route that was not proven at the beginning of the pandemic.

4. The new variants of Covid-19: in addition to aerosols, some of the mutations that the virus is registering are causing concern because they have more transmitting power. Thus, FFP2 masks are a better barrier.

How to know if my mask is FFP2 approved

The FFP2 mask is an Individual Protection Equipment (PPE) whose purpose is to filter the inhaled air, preventing the entry of polluting particles into our body. These masks must have the reference to the UNE EN-149 standard. Likewise, its labeling must reflect whether it is reusable or non-reusable with the letters R or NR, respectively, and must have the name of the producing company. Finally, the product must also have the four numbers of the notified body together with the initials of the European Commission (CE) marking. In this case, in Spain the four numbers are 0099.

What are KN95 masks and why are they not approved?

KN95 masks

The KN95 mask is the equivalent to the FFP2 mask for the Asian market, specifically China. Instead, FFP2 is certified for the European market. The difference between the two lies in the fact that while in Europe these products have to pass very demanding regulations and official tests, in the case of the KN95 it is the manufacturer himself who homologates and certifies the product.

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In the early stages of the spread of Covid-19 because there was a problem with the supply of this type of material, specifically FFP2, and that is why KN95 was allowed to be marketed in Europe, being at that time a valid product in a emergency situation.

These supply problems do not currently exist, and for this reason the Government only allows l from those distributors who acquired them before last year. Thus, the KN95 masks do provide a good protection system against Covid-19 but whose accessibility is more complex.

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