How to position your website in Google – .com

There are topics that are a bit tiresome. There has already been so much talk about how to position your website in Google, and there are so many guides, tutorials, grandmother’s recipes and magic spells, that in the end one already loses the north. My intention is to summarize in a quick and easy to understand way 4 key points to position your website in Google.


The basis to be able to position any website is the content. There’s no more. This goes to mass. Content is king. In order for Google to know that your page is “about” anything, you must have content from “that thing” written. Makes sense right? Let’s take this article, for example. The title is “How to position your website in Google“, so when Google comes by and reads it, it will understand that it is about that. In addition, in the text of the article, you will see that words like “position”, “web” and “Google” appear several times. Of course that’s what it’s about.

That doesn’t mean you have to write just for Google! What you should do is write for your users, for your readers. For people who go to Google and look for information that answers a question. That is the first and basic thing. From there, we can optimize it for Google. But only “optimize for Google”. Not “write for Google”.


The keywords are those that you choose to position. In the case of this article, I have chosen “How to position your website in Google” because I think that if someone is interested in positioning their website or blog, they will look for something similar in Google. One recommendation that I always follow is that the keywords be “as people on the street speak”. Run away from technicalities (unless you want to position precisely that). This post could have been titled “Google ranking factors” or “optimize your SEO”, but since this article is aimed at those users who are becoming interested in improving their positioning, I have chosen this title. If I had wanted to address it to newbies, perhaps an interesting title would have been “How to get out on Google” either “How to appear in the first positions of Google“, an even more natural language.

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Those keywords should appear on a few key sites. For example, the title of the page, which is the one that appears above, in the browser window, next to the favicon:

It also appears in the article title, which can be different from the page title:

Obviously the keywords (position, web, Google) and variations, also appear throughout the article. And even in the ALT and TITLE attributes of the images. For more information on these points, as well as the density of words, you can read the article in which I delve deeper into the subject.


The links (or link building) They can be classified in various ways. One of them is that of internal links and external links:

The internal links They are links that you make yourself within your website. For example, if I tell you that for more information about the Link Building consult the article , which is an article that I wrote myself on this website, that is considered an internal link. Top menus, footer menus, etc. are also internal links. The text of the link is also important (the anchor text)in this example “Link Building Guide”, because it tells Google “what the linking page is about”.

The external links It comes to be the same, but instead of being done from your own website, they are done from other websites. This point is the heaviest, mechanical and boring if you try to do it in an unnatural way. Because it basically consists of going all over the Internet, looking for pages where to “place” a link to your website. Come on, fun in its purest form. In addition, the grace would be that these websites are of quality and with a good reputation. And that is not easy. Ideally, those links would come “alone”. In other words, people link to you without you asking. And how do you get that? Very easy: Generating content that people find worth sharing (see first point: Content).


We come here to the last point, the most recent. It is already official that Google takes into account in its variables to position a website, the weight that these have in social networks. We’re talking about getting maximum “Likes” on Facebook, “Tweets” and “Retweets” on Twitter, and “+1” on Google Plus. Basically that is achieved (once again) by writing content that people find worth sharing.

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The weight of social networks is already a proven fact. I have already talked about the and the . So don’t skimp on a link!


To understand the relative importance of these four points we have to place them in a pyramid format, a:

As we see, the order is not random. It all starts with a base content. It must be a very good content, or we cannot support the rest of the points, since the keywords will be based on it. In the same way, if we want links from other websites or from social networks, the content must be good, and the correct keywords studied.

more resources

If you’ve been left wanting more, I recommend my Guide for , in which I go into more technical details on how to do everything I’ve discussed in this article. And if what you are interested in is appearing on Google Maps, here is the guide to , which is becoming increasingly important in the .

And finally, if all this sounds Chinese to you or you like accounting as little as I do, and I’ll give you a budget to do it myself. Trust me, it’s worth it. I don’t keep my accounting, my accountant does. He does it better than me, faster, and saves me trouble.

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