How to receive payments online? Find out what to worry about!

Receiving payments online still arouses mistrust in many entrepreneurs. However, the market is growing and, along with it, new trends and more agile and secure payment solutions are emerging.

Transactions can be made online through a payment gateway or mediator. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Also, you have to worry about what will be available. The more options, the better for the customer, who can choose which one best suits their needs.

Between the phases of completing a purchase and receiving the value paid, there are a series of processes that make the information go through various institutions and confirmations.

To know a little more about this topic, keep reading our post!

Learn about the main precautions you should take when receiving payments online

Currently, we as customers make online purchases so simply and automatically, that we forget the main precautions that we must take.

An entrepreneur must worry about some details so that the purchase is safe. Thus, he avoids having problems when collecting and prevents the client from having them when paying.

The first care you must have is to offer as many payment options as possible, so that the lack of alternatives is not an excuse for the increase in the rate. It tries to facilitate the purchase, allowing payment by card, the use of payment requests and online transfers, for example.

Another factor that must be present throughout the process is professionalism. Having friendly URLs, a security seal and available payment terms is the minimum you need for the consumer to feel safe and complete the purchase.

If the system redirects the customer to another page or if the page they are trying to reach takes too long to load, the user may become scared and forgo the purchase.

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Currently, there are those that automate this process. It is important to find a secure resource that suits your business, because this type of tool helps control sales and facilitates the experience for both the user and the seller.

In addition to all of the care mentioned, you should also consider the costs when choosing your options. At this time, you need to find a balance between customer demand and the costs you will have. Analyze your market segment, the size of your brand and your audience.

4 options for online payments

Offering various payment methods is a way to gain more sales. Take a look at the most common.

1. Credit card

The use of credit cards has grown in recent years, due to the increase in online purchases. Many clients prefer this format as it is quick and easy. The purchase is approved in minutes and there are payment options in installments or months.

Credit card companies also offer benefits, such as points and miles programs or assistance, in case of card fraud or cloning. However, it is necessary to analyze the rates charged by the companies and the terms to collect the values ​​of your sale.

2. Debit card

The debit card is interesting for collectors. Payment is almost immediate and there is no risk of chargeback, which occurs when the consumer requests a refund after the purchase has been authorized.

The disadvantage of this option is the high fees charged by banking institutions, because in this modality, it is necessary to have an agreement with a bank.

3. Payment request

Payment requests allow people to pay for purchases they make online in a simple and secure way. They have different formats according to the country in which they are used. For example, in Mexico, this type of operation is done through Oxxo Pay; in Colombia Effecty is used; and in Spain, Paypal. It is an important format that you can offer to consumers. Payments are generally made in a single installment.

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The downside is that there are not always payment guarantees when users make a purchase. So, you may make some sales that don’t materialize.

4. Online bank transfer

Online bank transfer is a safe option for both parties. The value is credited directly to the recipient’s account and there are no costs to be paid to third parties. The only inconvenience for the client is the possible fees related to transactions between different banks.

Find out what an online payment system should offer

There are several online payment systems available in the market and each one operates in a different way and with its own fees. Therefore, you must analyze your needs, your sales volume and your audience, to choose the one that best suits your budget.

For example, in the case of digital products, there is the possibility of making sales abroad, but not all systems receive this type of payment.

With so many possibilities, you should look for the following features so that the system you choose is the best for you:

1. Agility

, you need agile systems. A direct connection, without intermediaries, to carry out transactions will help you increase the conversion and credibility of your clients.

2. Convenience of transactions

In addition, a good system offers ease and convenience in transactions for both the customer and the recipient. The system operator must provide recurring payment options and other opportunities for the entrepreneur to get paid as soon as possible after making their sales.

3. Easy to withdraw money

An ideal system allows advances and withdraw money directly from the bank account. In the case of advances, there is usually a fee. But, in specific situations, it can be interesting to anticipate the value charged and invest in the business, for example.

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The possibility of withdrawing money directly from your account is also a facility that does not require you to create an account to receive payments online.

4. Receive payments online in foreign currencies

There are not many systems that allow payment in foreign currencies. Depending on your business or what you want to achieve in the future, it is important that you look for a tool that accepts payments made in international currencies or cards. These payments will be converted to dollars or euros and deposited directly into your account.

5. Security

The system must be concerned about the security of those who carry out operations through it. Therefore, it is important that customer data is encrypted and that there are confirmations and codes that track the entire transaction. For your safety, look for systems that protect your brand against chargebacks.

So what, do you have everything ready to decide how you will receive online payments for your products? Learn more about , our payment system!

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