No matter what you are looking for, most likely, through Google, he will find it. The search engine of search engines has become preferred by most users due to its easy handling and its great system of ‘spiders’, capable of finding what we want in the immense labyrinth that is the Internet.
The problem often comes from the person who starts searching, because either they are not very clear about what they are looking for (for example, on these dates, it is very common to find searches of the type “what to give to a boyfriend”… In these cases, the most interesting thing is that the person knows something about the recipient and, even in these cases, Google provides solutions) or You don’t know how to perform the search correctly. We proceed to list the tricks that never fail for the latter case.
How to use Google search effectively
1- It is best to be concise
For example, if what you are looking for are bargains on the Internet, search for key and specific terms such as ««, without complicating yourself or adding more words that do not contribute anything. Google itself recommends it: less is more.
2- Forget about misspellings and punctuation.
Google is very smart and takes for granted what you need, despite these flaws.
3- It has the option of ‘advanced search’ to spin finer.
This is recommended, for example, if you want to limit the results by language, by country or by the dates they were published.
4- Try to think before writing.
This means that one has to be aware of the millions of results that await. Google is smart, yes, but it can’t read your mind. If you’re looking for something as generic as ‘restaurants’, the options will be overwhelming. It is convenient to add limiting words, such as: a city or type of food you are looking for.
5- If what you are looking for are exact phrases, it is best to choose to use quotation marks.
There is a big ‘but’ here. This is very useful, as long as you count on the fact that the same phrase, with some variant, will not appear among the results.
6- Search by file type.
If what you need is a .pdf, a .doc or a .jpg, tell Google. This will remove all other entries that don’t meet this requirement from your equation, making it easier for you to find what you want.
7- If what you are looking for is found within a specific web page, the best thing you can do is indicate it to Google.
This is as simple as including the word ‘site’, followed by a colon, in front of the query itself.
8- Definitions and related pages
The above can also be applied in cases where definitions are searched (it will suffice to write the word ‘define’, followed by a colon and the words of interest) or related pages are searched (in this case, write ‘related :’, followed by the address of the web page in question)
Of course, there are more tricks, like using the Google search engine as a calculator: just enter an equation in your search box, but these are some of the most interesting and used on the Net.
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