Far from stopping its growth after the confinement due to the Coronavirus, eCommerce has been permanently established as a great channel for companies of any kind and size to reach potential customers anywhere in the world and at any time, advantages that have been known to take advantage of in many cases, with certain differences in certain countries.
The study Digital 2022 by WeAreSocial and Hootsuite It shows us in detail the most relevant data of the global eCommerce penetration, as well as the most relevant categories for electronic commerce around the world.
Almost 60% of the population buys products or services online weekly
In this edition, the Digital 2022 study shows us the progress of global eCommerce penetration: Currently, 58.4% of the population between the ages of 16 and 64 have purchased a product or service online every week. Of this percentage, 28.3% have ordered products from the food category.
And in line with sustainable consumption, 14.4% of global eCommerce consumers have decided to buy a second-hand item through this channel. Another interesting fact is that 24.6% of consumers have used an online price comparison service in the last week. Speaking of economics and payment methods, the study revealed that weekly 17.8% of consumers shopped using a buy now pay later service.
Global size and growth of consumer goods
Generally, global revenue associated with online purchases of consumer goodsincluding groceries, fashion, electronics and other household items, increased by more than 500,000 million dollars during 2021 (+18%) reaching a total of USD $3,850 billion (around 3,410 billion euros) in the year.
While mobile continues to consolidate as the preferred channel for online consumers: 60.1% of them have purchased consumer goods in this waywith an increase of 1% year-on-year.
The study also revealed that the world’s online consumers spent an average of USD $1,017 (about 905 euros) per person per year on consumer goods. And of course, the story varies considerably according to geographical factors and by categories.
Electronics and fashion: the categories in which consumers spent the most online in 2021
In the case of the categories of consumer goods, food (+38%) and beverages (+35%) are the ones that registered the most growth this yearwith an approximate annual expenditure of USD $375 billion (just over 333 billion euros) in the case of food and USD $211 billion (187 billion euros) in the case of beverages.
Personal and home care had a year-on-year growth of 21%, with an expense of USD $ 381 billion (339 billion euros)followed by the category of toys with a year-on-year growth of 18% and spending of 392 billion dollars (just over 340 billion euros), and fashion, which had a year-on-year growth of 17% this 2021.
why we buy online
Among the main factors that achieved the conversion of online consumers in the last year, free shipping (51.1%) was the absolute leader, however, there are other triggers that trigger online sales, among which are coupons and discounts (39.2%), reviews from other consumers (33.5%), agile return policies (32.1%) and a fast and agile process during payment (checkout) 29.5%.
The Leaders in Global eCommerce Penetration 2022
Currently, the percentage of online consumers in the world (who buy in eCommerce every week) reaches 58.4% of the Internet user population between 16 and 64 years old, and among all the countries in the world, Thailand leads with 68.3%, followed by Malaysia (66.6%), South Korea (64.9%) and Mexico (64.5%). in this ranking Spain is in position number 20, a little below the world average with a percentage of 54.4%.
The percentage of online consumers also varies according to age. The study shows us that online shopping habits are more established among the population that has between 35 and 44 years old: 62.7% of women and 60.2% of men. They are followed by adults between 25 and 34 years old, with a percentage of 63.2% of women and 60.1% of men, and in third place, people between 45 and 54 years old, with a percentage of 59.4% of women and 58.2% of men who buy online every week.
Leaders in consumer spending
Although, as we mentioned, the average annual income per user of eCommerce in consumer goods is 905 euros, there are different ones by country: Hong Kong is positioned as the leader in annual spending with an average of USD $3,183 (2,833 euros), followed by the US $3,105 (2,763 euros) and in third place South Korea with an average spend per user of $2,995 (2,665 euros). ANDIn the case of Spain, it is positioned a little above the world average, in 23rd place with an average of USD $1,178 (approximately 1,048 euros)..
Bonus Track: what happened the previous year
This is not the first year that we have shared the data from this report with you. The , the momentum of gradually shaping the new reality of online sales. So that you know more about this history that we live, we share with you the 2020 results.
The percentage of online consumers in the world (in this case, who bought online in a month) reached 76.8% of the Internet user population between 16 and 64 years old, an increase of two percentage points compared to the 74% from 2019.
But of all the countries in the world, the leader in eCommerce penetration in the world was Indonesia, with 87.1%, followed by (85.5%), in third place Thailand (83.6%). In this listing 2021 Spain climbed 5 positions to 14th place with a penetration rate of 79.3%.
Global eCommerce Mobile Penetration in 2020
Research during 2020 also covered the penetration of mobile eCommerce in the worldtaking into account Internet users between the ages of 16 and 64 who had purchased a product or service from their mobile devices during a month.
In the case of eCommerce penetration from mobile devices, Indonesia (79.1%) and Thailand (4.21%) they had the lead, while the philippines close out the top 3.
In the case of Spain, in 2020, was in 25th place among the countries with the highest penetration of mobile eCommerce, with 42.3%, slightly below the average for mobile consumers globally (55.4%).
in the world a 81.5% of Internet users searched online for a product or service from any device. and in fact 90.4% of all Internet users worldwide had already visited an online store. The percentage of Internet users who used a shopping app rose to 69.45% in 2021.
Fashion items: the best sellers online in 2020
Contrary to other editions in which the travel and tourism category has been the leader in online sales, the confinement caused changes in consumption habits, causing the fashion and accessories category will be positioned as the leader in the report with sales of 665,600 million dollars (548,380 million euros), which represented an increase of 27% compared to the previous year.
Second, we were able to find travel and tourism with a great decrease until reaching 593,600 million dollars (489,060 million euros) with a huge drop of 51% compared to its sales in the previous edition.
Games and hobbies in third place with a spend of 525.6 billion dollars (433.04 billion euros), which represented an increase of 25% compared to 2020. Another category that had a boost in 2021 due to confinement was food and personal care with +41%, achieving 413,800 million dollars (340,930 million euros) in sales.
Size and growth of global consumer goods
The number of Internet users who bought products and services via the internet rose in 2021 to 3.47 billion peoplewith purchases for a total of 2,440 billion dollars (2,010 billion euros), which represented an increase of 25.7% Over the previous year. The average annual expenditure on online purchases amounts to 703 dollars (approximately 579 euros).
South Korea; the country with the highest average online spending
The report showed us the average online spending per consumer per country during 2020. In this ranking, South Korea took the lead with an average of 2,012 dollars (1,657 euros). Switzerland followed, with an average of 1,863 dollars (1,534 euros) per consumer, and the United Kingdom in third place with 1,697 dollars (1,398 euros).
In the case of Spain, achieved the 22nd position with an average expenditure per consumer of 758 dollars per year (624 euros).
If you want to learn more about the data from the very complete report by Hootsuite and WeAreSocial on the use of the Internet and the penetration of eCommerce in the world in 2021, you can consult their presentation on Slideshare:
what happened in 2019
The percentage of online consumers in the world in 2019 reached 74% of the Internet user population between 16 and 64 years old.
In this edition, Indonesia was the leader with 88% penetrationfollowed closely by Thailand (82%), (82%), Germany (82%), Malaysia (82%) and the United Kingdom (81%). Spain was placed in the 19th placesharing the penetration rate with Sweden, Singapore and India.
In the case of eCommerce penetration from mobile devices, Indonesia (80%) and Thailand (69%) were in first and second place in the rankingwhile the Philippines (66%), China (64%) and Malaysia (64%) rounded out the top 5.
Spain was in the 22nd place among the countries with the highest penetration of mobile eCommerce, with 40%, above Egypt (39%), Sweden (39%) and Israel (39%)
Travel & Tourism: the category in which consumers spent the most online in 2019
During 2019 worldwide, consumers spent 1.19 billion dollars (around 1.08 billion euros) on this type of service.
Travel and tourism was followed by fashion categorywhich achieved sales of 620,100 million dollars (561,470 million euros), followed by electronics, which accumulated sales of 465,900 million dollars per year (421.85 million euros).
South Korea was already the country with the highest average online spending
South Korea already had the leadership with an average of 1,441 dollars (around 1,300 euros)followed by the United States ($1,389, or €1,260), the United Kingdom (€1,200), Sweden ($1,269, €1,150) and closing the Top 5, Australia which had an average online spend of $1,157 (€1,050).
In the case of Spain, it was positioned in this list in the position number 21, with an average online spend of $520 per year (around 470 euros).
The most common eCommerce searches on Google Shopping in 2019
it was leader among searches on Google Shopping in 2019however Amazon achieved second place in 2019.
It was followed by the term iPhone, which completed the Top most searched brands in Google Shopping.