Influencers’ nightmare: Instagram limits the number of stories you can post

Instagram would be testing an update to show a maximum of three stories from each user in order to try to reduce the mass publication of these posts, although you can continue uploading and accessing the number of stories you want.

Instagram stories were one of the keys to the rise of this platform, being able to upload content that would disappear after 24 hours caused people to post everything they did or thought about in their day to day.

Of course everyone does what they want on their Instagram profile, but it is true that the temporality of these publications encouraged them to upload any type of post, regardless of the content that was inside. From influencers to people with hardly any followers, it is true that on many occasions we ended up bored of seeing so much history from the same person.

That is why the company has extended a test for this function, with which it intends to only show a maximum of three stories from the same account at first, even if this person has uploaded more. This does not mean that they are going to impose a limit on stories, currently the maximum is set at 100 stories published in 24 hours, but instead of showing all the stories, the app will select three.

Apparently, the company is testing this update in Brazil, since it was the user @philricelle who took a screenshot of this function. As we can see in the image, only three lines are shown that refer to the three selected stories and next to it you can read 3 of 33 along with a link to access the rest of the published stories.

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Olha just as it is. To see all, click on “Show all”

— Phil Ricelle (@philricelle)

This decision suggests that Instagram has also grown tired of its platform being filled with low-quality stories, and wants this feature to gain in quality as the posts did with the arrival of stories.

In turn, this poses a dilemma, especially for influencers, since they make a living from this, because now they will have to be much more selective when it comes to publishing stories. As it is a test, the company has not yet officially announced anything, so we do not know how the stories that will be shown will be chosen if one day this function is extended globally.

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