Intermediate CSS Course #7. Sort the CSS code – .com

In the seventh class of the intermediate CSS course we will learn how to correctly develop a CSS style sheet for an entire web.

CSS is a style language, not a programming one, which means that it is not a very complex language to learn and use.

At the user or test level, when we develop an html and design it with CSS, we don’t usually have many problems, we create classes and apply them to the labels, but what would happen if we have 5 pages? And if it’s 500 pages?

When we have more than one page, the CSS gets complicated, since we have to remember the hundreds of classes that have been created and many times, we end up overwriting them or directly applying styles that we didn’t want.

As you have been able to observe, we have developed an entire website, with 3 pages and we have ordered the code indicating a “parent” class for each one of the pages, thus making sure that this CSS only applies to that page and not to the rest.

And you already know it. If you have any doubt or question, you can send it through the help form of the subscriber Intranet. See you in the next lesson! 🙂

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