Product advertising: characteristics and examples

Advertising products consists of spreading the benefits of the article that is offered through various media and formats. To advertise both physical products and services, it is necessary to know the ideal client and bet on creativity to stand out among the ads we see daily.

If you are reading this article, surely you already have your product in hand or at least one, that is, the minimum viable product that meets the essential characteristics to be marketed. Now is the time to invest in advertising to grow your business.

Next, we share with you:

  • What is product advertising?
  • What are the characteristics of product advertisements.
  • What steps do you have to follow to put together your dissemination strategy.
  • What are the most used media for advertisements.
  • 4 examples that will inspire you to think big and awaken your most creative side. 🎨

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What is product advertising?

Product advertising is a form of communication that aims to publicize the benefits and benefits of a product or service, with the aim of selling it.

Every day we receive innumerable advertisements, both through traditional media (press, television or radio) and digital media (e-mail, applications or websites).

The formats, for their part, range from the classic billboards on public roads and commercials on television to those that appear while we listen to music on YouTube.

This marketing tool seeks to generate an impact, so that people identify and remember the message in a positive way.

It is common to think that a product is a 100% paid action. However, the voluntary review that a customer makes about the quality of your brand in Google comments or on your website, for example, is a type of advertising that can be considered free.

However, before planning your strategy, keep the following in mind: advertising and promotion work side by side because they seek to increase sales, but they have differences. The first has the function of making a brand known. The second has the end

Now that we understand the concept, let’s see what characterizes product advertisements.

Characteristics of product advertising

Who has not ever passed by a Cannon Mattresses physical store and began to hum in his head the catchy song “(…) only with Cannon do I fall asleep”? If you identified with this or other examples of famous advertisements, you probably know exactly what distinguishes advertisements.

We are going to review the characteristics that cannot be missing in the advertising of a product.

1. Seeks to persuade with the aim of selling

This is the main attribute of product advertisements. From it, the message is built that will convince the audience that this article or service is superior to that of the competition, will solve a specific need of the user or, simply, will make their life easier.

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As we said, this is one of its fundamental features: one of them lies precisely in the objective of selling, as opposed to convincing or promoting an idea or thought.

2. It has to be original and innovative

The advertising of a product must offer something new for the viewer, if it seeks to generate an impact on it. Likewise, the originality component allows you to differentiate yourself and stand out from your competitors.

Looking for inspiration to make your ads? Then this post is for you:


3. It must be easy to understand

This is an attribute that must be present in all types of communication for it to be effective. If the message is confusing, it will hardly captivate the people who receive it.

At this point it is worth clarifying that if you know your ideal client very well, the important thing is that the message is easy for them to understand.

For example, if you are advertising a product for millennials in Argentina and you use the acronym “ATR” (at full speed), you fulfilled this characteristic of making an advertisement that is easy to understand.

4. Use the resource of repetition

According to a study carried out by the sociologist Gerald Zaltman in his book, between 80% and 95% of our decisions are made unconsciously.

In this sense, when considering the purchase of a product, sensory stimuli, that is, our visual, auditory, tactile and olfactory perception, are activated —without us being aware of it.

With this in mind, product advertisements need to use repetition to ensure that the audience remembers the message and is persuaded to purchase the promoted product or service.

5 steps to advertise products

Before investing time and money in advertising a product, we recommend that you follow these steps:

1- Know your buyer person

For effects, you are going to define the archetype of the ideal client of your product or service. It is important that you know, among other things, their personal data and how it relates to your business.

From this information, you will be able to establish from the type of language that you are going to use (use ATR or not?) to the aesthetics of the ad. I discovered!

2- Analyze the competition

At this point we suggest you review their website and social networks, including their YouTube channel, since brands usually broadcast the same videos that they broadcast on television through this medium.

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Do not forget to check the printed press and, if it applies to you, go around the city to see the advertising posters.

3- Create a short and striking message

Here you have to pay attention to the narrative of your product. The ideal is to establish an emotional relationship with users.

To achieve this, take advantage of these, that is, tell a story in an attractive and sensitive way, that makes your audience feel part of it.

Now, don’t you know how to create an eye-catching phrase? Ideally, a good slogan:

  • wake up a wish,
  • offer a solution
  • generate a result,
  • in a specific time.

If you need more help, we present our free tool: . Find the ideal phrase for your business in a few steps!

4- Select the type of advertising

Choosing the formats and means of dissemination according to your audience is an essential step for the success of your strategy.

You can opt for traditional media such as radio, television, posters, press or go for the ones like social networks.

In addition, we recommend you test, to the extent that your budget allows, to invest more in the media with the best, that is, with the best return on investment.

5- Highlight the attributes of your product

Once you define your target audience, it and the media, you have to think about the type of communication you are going to use; which can be formal or informal. Here you have the green light to give way to creativity.

A suggestion to know how to advertise products effectively is to show the benefits that your article will provide to your audience. Of course: focus on highlighting the qualities instead of the characteristics, as it is the heart of every project.

💡 If you want your communications to be effective and captivate your customers, we invite you to read the following article on the techniques of .

Know more:


20 places to advertise a product

There are multiple options to spread the advertisements of your products. Here are 20 ideas of places to do it:

  1. Press or magazines
  2. Radio
  3. TV
  4. Cinema
  5. Outdoor such as posters and brochures
  6. Telephone
  7. E-mail and I discovered
  8. and its Pinterest Ads feature, is now available in Argentina! With this business option you can create banner ads, upload your catalog and convert your products into product pins.
  9. YouTube (or)
  10. Twitter

Create your online store for free!

4 Examples of Product Ads to Get Inspired

To close this article, we have selected 4 examples of product advertisements that aim to inspire you to show the world what you are capable of doing.

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1. Heineken: a product that seeks to break stereotypes

In addition to promoting the consumption of its product, the renowned Heineken brewery invites, in 48 seconds, to break down stereotypes.

In this advertising example, not a single word needed to be said, with the exception of the final message: Men drink cocktails too.

2. Dasha Accessories: customization on special dates

The Cloud Store took advantage of Friendship Day to highlight a special element of its product: customization.

Through the , one of the most attractive elements of Instagram, the brand shows us how this is an ideal gift and, to strengthen its message, it accompanies the with this text:

Celebrate friend’s day with us and see how we put together your order at DASHA! ♥️✨🙌🏼

All your purchases from today to 7/20 come with candies and confetti!

If you want to add a letter for your friend, leave it in the comments and we will write it for you. 😉

Friendship is celebrated strongly in this one, and you: do you join?

3. Fera: the power of intrigue

Vicky and Mara, creators of the brand, market their products on the internet through their Tiendanube and launched a campaign of intrigue entitled Making of. In the image they are accompanied by Beta Suárez, author of the account.

In this photo we cannot see the design of the 2022 Agendas that Fera and Beta developed together, but they invite their community to participate in the pre-sale of the product with discounts and surprise gifts.

4. Wild City

It is a benchmark in men’s fashion in Argentina. The brand was born in 2015 by Franco Pagliotto and Alejandro Duro. They are creators of exclusive garments that stand out for having a different and fresh style.

Additionally, they are known for creating original and eye-catching social media ads with and influencers.

But what makes your proposal attractive?

The brand works with models who have few followers on the platforms, but are supported by a loyal and focused community. And it is that audience that they intend to conquer with their content.

We hope these tips will help you create successful product advertisements. And if you still don’t have your own virtual window, take advantage of them to set up an online store today. It is an easy to use platform and has plans starting at $599 per month!

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