Puntronic: analysis, assessment and opinions – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

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low shipping costs

Short delivery times

Catalog diversity


Puntronic is a very interesting online electronics store that offers differential contributions, such as deliveries at collection points and start-up service for the most complicated appliances to install.


User Score: 1.2 (3. 4 votes)

There are times when you stumble upon a great ecommerce almost by chance. As in the case of . Puntronic, with that bad name from an eighties science fiction movie, is a online store of electronics and household appliances which, from its headquarters in Barcelona, ​​supplies mainland Spain with televisions, video games, headphones… and (did you doubt it?) chest freezers.

Puntronic: a great eCommerce with great customer service

Precisely, this postmodern icon is closely related to one of the great strengths of this ecommerce.

If you remember, we were struck by the fact that the deceased sold heavy electrical appliances, but did not offer the upload service from the same to the fourth floor without elevator where you live, or the withdrawal of that old version of fresquera that has long since stopped frosting your fruity summer desserts.

Puntronic offers you the possibility of contracting its service which includes the delivery to your home (and not in the portal of the building where you live), installation, commissioning and removal from your old appliance to the nearest clean point to your home.

Obviously, the price of the service is variable, depending on the product and the address, but for a chest freezer that crosses Spain from end to end, its cost will be approximately €30. It will always be better than having to get the help of your entire community of neighbors based on orange popsicles. The only catch: the delay in delivery of about four more days, and that, for now, the service is not available throughout the territory. (approximately half)

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fast shipments

Puntronic shipments are pretty fast. Two or three days nothing more. And with a variety of possibilities. Do you prefer a delivery at home? You have it. At a cost of 6 euros for something small like a video game. do you prefer a pick up point? You got it. If you live in Catalonia-Balearic Islands, in a store Tien21. If you live in the rest of Spain, at a collection point Kiala. And all free.

If you decide to buy at Puntronic, you can pay by card, transfer, PayPal (3% surcharge) or finance it through Cofidis (at a fairly high cost, yes) and, if you need return purchased, you can do it through the way you have chosen for receipt.

Of course, paying the cost of forwarding, unless the reason for the return is due to an error by the company, in which case you will save those euros. speaking of euros, The prices that you will find in this ecommerce are generally quite good.

As you will understand, I have not reviewed all the items in its varied catalog, but in the samples that I have consulted, it offers prices as competitive as most of its rivals on the Internet. Apart from this, there is little else to comment: Good things, such as the possibility of hiring the warranty extension of your purchases, or their menus, simple and practical.

And bad things, like contact via phone 902 or something hesitant interface of shopping cart. Nothing that could seriously affect an ecommerce with such a name Awesome like the one from Puntronic. (And such great reviews)

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In any case, if you prefer to continue searching, there are many others and appliances in our country… take a look at our and choose your favorite!

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