QueCovid.es, the website that reports covid restrictions according to zip code

Four students from the Alcoi Campus (Alicante) of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) have launched the search engine, a web platform that reports all the restrictions that the different administrations have applied to stop the Covid-19 and that can be know through zip code.

David Muñoz, main developer and student of the double degree in ADE + Computer Engineering, in statements to Europa Press, has pointed out that “given the misinformation and confusion that exists about the restrictions” in each Community, “it is important to create a platform where gather all” and also “explain the context in which we find ourselves”.

Likewise, it has indicated that all the data included in this search engine are extracted from official sources. “In addition to these restrictions, the epidemiological data is updated, so that the user understands the restrictions that have been applied in each territory,” emphasizes Muñoz.

Free and free to use

The project was born on the initiative of 4 students of the double degree in ADE + Computer Engineering on the Alcoy campus. In addition to David Muñoz, the other participating students are Luci Simón, Guillermo Colomar and Hamilton Leguizamon, whose role is focused on checking the information in official documents, looking for restrictions and comparing them with the official regional bulletins and the BOE.

Regarding the project, he has qualified that the platform is free and free to use, while the user only needs to know their zip code to be able to use it. “We want people to be aware of the reason for these measures and not to think that “they are there by chance”, highlighted Muñoz, who also highlighted the value of “being informed” about “everything that can be done”.

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