Skype creators test unmanned robots for eCommerce deliveries

You may not know Starship Technologies. It is one that aims to revolutionize the logistics market, specifically in eCommerce deliveries.

Proposal? A series of unmanned robotswith six wheels and with the capacity to load small packages that They will bring your online purchases to your door.

eCommerce home deliveries from the ‘hand’ of a robot

These Starship Technologies robots are anything but the distant future. The company is about to launch its first batch of unmanned robots in the market, specifically in the town of Greenwich, and in some parts of the US (the latter will host the tests in late April 2016). East trial period it will last 6 months, and if they are successful we will be able to see the expansion of the robots to the rest of the United Kingdom / America and, possibly, to Europe and other continents.

Starship Technologies is anything but an “inexperienced” company. Its founders are nothing more and nothing less than Janus Friis and Niklas Zennströmm, founders of Skype. His proposal for unmanned robots for eCommerce deliveries, which will start with deliveries for the cost of 1 euro and in less than 30 minutes, is a really hard-working project with its feet firmly planted on the ground considering the current status of the market.

How Starship Technologies robots work

To make use of Starship Technologies’ unmanned robots for services such as eCommerce deliveries, online shoppers need to download the robots’ service reference app on their smartphones and tablets. this app geolocates the user and confirms the exact delivery position (During the shipping process, the user will be able to see exactly where their package is at all times).

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Once the robot reaches the destination, This allows the safe opening of your gate through a code that will be available solely and exclusively to the customer who has made the purchase.

Initially, these robots will have sufficient autonomy for eCommerce deliveries of packages in ratios of 5KM, guaranteeing that deliveries do not take longer than 30 minutes since the package is ready to be shipped. In addition, these are smart enough to avoid pedestrians and obstacles, thanks to the cameras and sensors installed in the prototype that allow the robot to map the environment in which it is located.

Would you like to make use of these peculiar robots? Do you see a future in the market? Share your opinion.

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