Social Security has improved the channels of information and processing of the Minimum Vital Income so that families who need it can improve their accessibility. In fact, now, applicants for this benefit will be able to know the status of their application in a simpler way.
To improve the information provided to these beneficiaries, the Administration has begun to update the application records every Friday. These people will only have to access the web form option “Provide documentation / Status Inquiry”. To get to this link, all you have to do is access the electronic headquarters of the website.
What information can I get about my Minimum Vital Income?
Through this tool, the applicant will be able to know the status of their application for the Minimum Vital Income. The states that can be presented to citizens are the following:
– In study.
– Pending receipt or review of the complementary documentation requested.
– Application terminated due to lack of documentation.
– Archived due to the fact that another request was submitted.
– Approved.
– Denied.
– Inadmissible for processing due to non-compliance with the income or equity requirement.
– Inadmissible for processing for being an administrator of a company.
What data do I need to know the status of my application?
In an attempt to facilitate access to all those people who are not digital natives, Social Security is trying to reduce the number of procedures that require a digital certificate or Cl@ve. For this reason, to access this tool you will only need the number of the Identity Document and the code that will be generated at the end of the application process.
Before the code is generated, the user will find a review screen with the entered data that they will have to review properly to avoid errors and delays in processing. Once the data has been confirmed, the code will appear that you must write down and keep for future reference.