Telecommuting: 10 Tips from for working from home

A great business change caused by the state of alarm is that many companies have begun to telework. Working from home allows many companies to continue their services during the current state of alarm. This option is very positive, since it gives many companies the possibility of not being forced to stop.

But it is clear that teleworking can also be hard and cause some difficulty. From its origin, has relied on the teleworking of its employees, which has helped to facilitate this adaptation to the current situation more quickly.

In this article we want to share with you some tips to work from home more effectively.

10 Tips for Working From Home

Maintain an exclusive space for teleworking

Yes, it can be very tempting to work from the sofa in the living room or other places, but it is proven that if you use a space that is specific for telecommuting, it will improve your performance. This psychologically affects us associating a space in our home with teleworking. Also, make sure that it is isolated from other distractions, such as television.

Set a work schedule

Many of the measures that we advise you are focused on separating what is your home or leisure from work. Another example of this is the work schedule. Many times that line between work or family or leisure, when teleworking, can become somewhat blurred. If you establish fixed telecommuting hours, you will always know exactly what time you are working and what time you are not. Remember that in order to perform one hundred percent in your work, it is just as important to work as to rest.

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One of the essential things of teleworking is to maintain the routine and above all the organization. Therefore, the ideal is to always have more or less the same entry time, but also exit. Keeping schedules and taking small breaks will be great for your productivity. On the other hand, making a daily organization plan will help you meet your goals, or if you have a less productive day, know how to recover it the next day.

Avoid distractions

Certain, It is very easy that when you work from home, not being in that workspace that is the office, you have more distractions. It can be television, whatsapp or a magazine that you have in that same room. For this, it is key that you define moments of rest, as we mentioned in one of the previous points.

Take regular breaks

Try to take a five-minute break for every hour apart from the break for breakfast and lunch. This will help you unwind from work and also give your brain a break. Remember that you can take advantage of these breaks to do some light exercise.

Keep in touch with your colleagues

Email, phone, chat, any tool is good for keeping in touch with your teammates. This has two benefits, firstly it improves internal coordination and secondly it reduces that feeling of loneliness that teleworking can generate.

organize your day

It is important that you organize your day before starting work. For this you can dedicate the last moments of the previous day or the first hours of the morning to organize your tasks. This way you can assign priorities to what you want to do, as well as delivery dates.

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Use a task manager with your colleagues

There are very interesting project management tools such as Asana or Trello, which will allow you to keep track of the tasks you have to do as well as those of your teammates.

Proper clothing

Say goodbye to pajamas! It is important to help your mind to change register. For this reason, once you are up, we recommend that you dress in comfortable clothes and have breakfast before starting your task. Don’t be tempted to get up and go straight to work. It is comfortable and it has also happened to me, working in pajamas or tracksuits is the simplest and most useful, but it is recommended to dress in office clothes to telecommute. This advice is focused somewhat from the psychological point of view almost exclusively. Think that the more you differentiate between work space and leisure space, the better performance you will have. Apart from this, it is always important to dress appropriately for any video conference. It’s easy, your customers don’t want to see you in pajamas.

eat healthy

When teleworking it is easy to neglect our diet or eat more often in front of the computer while we work. Remember that the most important thing is to have your meal times established, in order to avoid eating out of hours.

Set up contact meetings with your team

To avoid this isolation from the rest of your team, It can be interesting to set up meetings with some frequency with the rest of your team to put tasks, ideas or points of vision in common.

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And how are you adapting to teleworking? We read you in comments

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