The end of the state of alarm, the end of mandatory masks? This is what the OCU requests

This May 9, the state of alarm in force since October will decline. The end to various restrictions, but also the door open for many other measures that have been normalized with covid-19 to become more flexible. Among them the use of a mask, .

After almost a year and a half of the pandemic, it seems that a world has passed since people did not walk with a mask on the street. A protection that has now been normalized as much as before was strange to see in any person. However, in order to recover that pre-covid life and taking advantage of the end of the state of alarm, the OCU has exempted its use in outdoor spaces from being forced, within a list of several requests.

“We ask the central and regional authorities that the use of the mask in outdoor spaces is not mandatory, except in cases where the safety distance cannot be guaranteed and there is contact with other people,” said the OCU. A petition that is based on the , where precisely this was established, before the Government last summer made masks mandatory.

The OCU continues to demand that the masks be at an affordable price for the entire population

In addition, the OCU understands that, in line with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), the constant and unnecessary obligation “can cause fatigue in citizens with a counterproductive result.” A product that, yes, is still understood as vital in the fight against the coronavirus and for which the institution continues to demand that “”.

Visits to residences and free movement

Along with these requests for the masks, the OCU has also called for capacity, residences and mobility throughout the national territory. In this way, it asks for homogeneous criteria and clear guidelines on how many people can enter indoors (bars, theaters, cinemas, shops…), as well as for the system of visits to residences to be normalized given that all the elderly and health personnel are already vaccinated.

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Finally, as far as mobility is concerned, the OCU considers that regional and continental borders should be opened, especially for people who have been vaccinated and who have overcome the infection. The institution recalls that six out of ten citizens are in favor of a “” and the EU should give all people the same treatment when moving, regardless of their State of origin.

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