The list of the cheapest towns in Spain to buy a home

The pandemic has been a shock to the home buying and selling sector. In addition, the harsh restrictions on mobility caused a greater interest in enjoying a house in a rural area. Below is the ranking, prepared by the Idealista portal, of the towns in Spain that have the cheapest housing prices.

The towns in Spain with the cheapest house prices

1. El Carpio de Tajo (Toledo): 304 euros/m2.

2. Barruelo de Santullán (Palencia): 383 euros/m2.

3. Onion (Toledo): 401 euros/m2

4. Almaden (Ciudad Real): 407 euros/m2

5. Inheritance (Ciudad Real): 413 euros/m2

6. Mota del Cuervo (Cuenca): 416 euros/m2

7. Malagón (Ciudad Real): 426 euros/m2

8. Horcajo de Santiago (Cuenca): 432 euros/m2

9. Torralba de Calatrava (Ciudad Real): 438 euros/m2.

10. Puerto Serrano (Cádiz): 439 euros/m2

The cheapest of each autonomous community

As can be seen in the previous list, the towns of Castilla are the clear winners. Thus, the list continues with Portillo de Toledo in Toledo (441), Carrión de Calatrava in Ciudad Real (445) and then the Valencian municipality of La Pobla Llarga (448).

The ranking continues with the municipality of Moclín in Granada (456 euros/m 2 ) and Tobarra, from Albacete (456). Then there are Bullas in Murcia (457 euros/m2), Bembibre in León (457), Pinos Puente in Granada (468), Briviesca in Burgos (473), Miguel Esteban in Toledo (476), Gerindote also in Toledo (476). , and Castuera in Badajoz (481 euros/m 2).

The last three positions are occupied by Calera y Chozas in Toledo (482), Chirivel in Almería (482 euros/m2) and Balaguer in Lleida (486 euros/m2). On the contrary, the communities with the highest minimum prices in some of their municipalities are the Balearic Islands (Petra, Mallorca), the Canary Islands (Tanque, Santacruz de Tenerife) and the Basque Country (Carranza, Vizcaya).

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