The State Public Employment Service (SEPE) has reminded through its official Twitter account that citizens can request their benefit online without needing to have a permanent Cl@ve or electronic signature. The request is made through a system of
To access this method, the claimant must enter the details of their DNI and the reason for said pre-application, as there are four options: pre-Application for individual provision, cancellation of Provision, modification of direct debit, communication of incidence in individual provision. In the case of the unemployment benefit, you must choose ‘pre-request for individual benefit’.
Once inside, you must fill in the data required by the system: the type of benefit you want to request, personal, contact and bank information (to receive the benefit if it is granted). You can also add family information in cases of spouses with children in common and dependent children if they are under 26 years of age, in foster care or over 26 years of age with a disability of 33% or more.
After filling in the information and, if you wish, entering the pertinent observations, the system will take you to a last section, the acknowledgment of receipt, in which the formalization of the pre-application will end.
The SEPE warns that “with the presentation of this form it formalizes a provisional application”. Thus, “if necessary, the SEPE will contact you to complete the information or require essential documentation.”