The steps to create your digital product, with Judit Catalá –

Over the past few weeks, ‘s YouTube channel has posted a new video series called Jornada MASTERS. In it, we compile the best tips and teachings that we learned in the last edition of Masters.

If you don’t know what it is , we tell you. It is our global event, online and 100% free, with talks and conferences from the big names in the digital market.

And giving continuity to this series, we brought Judit Català, entrepreneur, business consultant, business speaker and CEO of the XL Yourself group. In this class, she told us about her move from offline to online and explained the 7 essential steps to creating a successful digital product.

Do you want to transform your offline business into online? So, watch the video and find out how to start in the digital market on the right foot! Now, if you want to quietly read this conversation, just scroll down.

Martha Port Hello! I’m Marta, from the Marketing team, and this is another episode of the Masters day.

The fourth talk that I want to present to you is by Judit Català, entrepreneur, business consultant, business speaker and CEO of the XL Yourself group.

With her I learned how to go from offline to online. I understood what digital products are and why it is a lucrative business.

I found out what types of digital products I can create and how to create one in 7 steps.

In the first part, Judit told us a little about her own story of transformation from offline to the digital market and how online has helped her business grow. Accompany me!

The first steps of Judit Català

Judit Catalan Welcome to this video where I am going to show you how I went from offline to online and how you can do it. But first I want to tell you a little about my story. How I have gone from having an offline business, totally offline, to having an online business.

In fact, I want to go back to 2009. That was my first company and I was 23 years old and I had an agency, a web development agency mainly. And then we move on to a digital marketing agency.

It was a traditional agency like most of you know. Well, totally offline. In fact, we didn’t even do marketing. Do you know that thing about the wooden spoon blacksmith’s house? Well, that’s what happened to us.

This was 2019, my first company. Then, well, I’m not going to tell you stories. I had to leave that company, I set up another.

But during that time, which was still with another agency that was mine, not with any partner, I met a person with whom we decided to launch an info product. This project was called Your Success Coach and in 2015 we decided to launch it.

And what was the result?

Well, we didn’t sell anything. Zero zero. A year working on that project, a year working on the entire funnel, working on everything, everything, everything, everything. And it turns out we can’t sell anything.

From there I learned a very, very good lesson, that for the people who decide to buy the entire Congress and who have that bonus, I am going to reveal it to you.

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This project was called Your Success Coach and in 2015 we decided to launch it. And what was the result? Well, we didn’t sell anything. Zero zero. A year working on that project, a year working on the entire funnel, working on everything, everything, everything, everything. And it turns out we can’t sell anything.

From there I got a very, very good learning, that for those of you who are in that bonus that accompanies this video, the people who decide to buy the entire Congress and who have that bonus, I am going to reveal it to you.

For the time being, let me tell you how good it was, it was a failure. I learned a lot and I learned one thing that helped me a lot in the rest of my projects, but at that moment, well, nothing, it doesn’t say anything, but I continued with the agency. I mean, it’s not that the agency was bad, I was already doing well. In fact, I put a lot, a lot of effort into the agency, I made it grow a lot and I put a lot of effort into it. But suddenly I continued with that idea that I wanted something different.

First info product

I didn’t want to be so enslaved by my work. Therefore, in 2016 I started selling the golden wheel of online marketing. That was a product that was digital. I uploaded it to YouTube hidden and gave an Excel to my clients, where they had the real clouds, where they could visit all these videos. At that time I didn’t know , I didn’t know any platform and I did it that way, sloppily and badly. But hey, it worked fine for me.

He had several clients. It was not the one that had many, but it had between ten and twenty clients that were ending up in the golden wheel of online marketing. And well, it went well for me. It was a product that worked well for me to free myself from time. I realized that I was going to do training on the golden wheel, which is a system that we use in digital marketing and that it took me a long time. I couldn’t split myself in two, I could teach people and have them go places, but people wanted to hire me.

Since I couldn’t divide myself, I decided to do it on video and give it away. So that way you can grow.

But I wanted more. Actually, I was saying, well, what if I professionalize this bungler? And I also add something to it that I really like, which is business strategy. Well, all the knowledge that I had, which was not only in marketing, although I had a marketing agency, I also had business knowledge and had spent many years.

to another level

I had been doing business since 2009 and I wanted to transfer that knowledge to people, so I set up “Towards Another Level”, which was a real info product, one of the real ones, the ones you know at .

“Towards Another Level” is a product that consists of six months of training, with twelve modules where there is everything from finances, time management, productivity, marketing, sales, personal branding. Everything an entrepreneur needs to grow his business and to double his turnover in a year.

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And we did very well in 2017. Surprise! It went super, super good. This is my path to digital product. This was at the end of 2017, so it’s only been a couple of years and a little more than we have a digital product that right now has become our core business. That is to say, we dedicate more efforts to it than to the agency, although we continue to maintain the agency. We work with some infoproducers that we select specifically to make them grow and we have a kind of partner.

Yes, but my agency has actually changed a lot, because it is an agency model, but I continue to sell information products with another person. Do you understand why and why I wanted this? Because in the end, an online business gives you more time. That is, you make one and you can sell it to many people, it gives you more freedom.

I mean, I decided to live in the United States for three months a year ago and suddenly I could do it. I could spend three months there and my company continued to function exactly the same. This if he had had a traditional agency, he could have done it. But it wasn’t so .

Economic security

That is, we both use the model Evergreen. We don’t use releases like other producers. And what does that mean? That I invoice every day. Every day a flow enters the company. And this gives me financial security. I love launches and from time to time we do one, because it’s fun.

But I need myself psychologically, I was bankrupt for a year and since I had such a bad time, I don’t want to have a bad time again, I need financial security.

So, at the level of , of mental security, I need to bill every day and this product gives it to me, it gives me the satisfaction of being able to be on the beach, grab my mobile, pick up my mobile and suddenly see that I have sold that day without having to make any effort, being on vacation, being anywhere in the world. And then I had a very big concern that I want to help more people. And how can I do it if I can’t divide myself into several people?

go to more people

Or yes I can because I can train, but it’s slower how can I help more people? At that moment I thought, well, I have to go digital. Now in “Towards Another Level” there are more than 2000 people who are in this training who have gone through this training. Imagine that if I had to go to 2000 people to talk to them, to do my services, it would be impossible, literally impossible. So to help more people I had to make that change.

So we have an info product, but right now I also have the agency. I say this because from offline to online we not only have the benefit of having all this when you have the online, but if you want to keep your business offline.

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Online helps you sell more than offline.

In other words, at the agency we receive dozens, dozens, dozens of emails and forms to work with us every week. And they are people who would not know me if I did not have the info product.

Therefore, having the info product also helps the agency. In fact, how does it help you?

Because for me it is also a marketing tool and people know me for what I do and they know me as an agency because I have the info product.

Trust and authority

That is to say, as I work on my personal brand and we work on the company’s brand and we are known, so to speak, we show ourselves on social networks, on our YouTube channel that we give a lot of content, because this generates trust. People want to work with me because in addition that is, this person is very good because I am seeing it.

It is not that they tell me that I am very good, but that they think so. I never say that I am good, I simply give content and let the rest think what they want. There will be people who will also think that I am very bad, but in reality, when you are giving valuable content to others and when you have an info product, that gives you authority.

Because if you are selling an info product, you are teaching. People think you’re very good at what you do.

And then we have other types of online businesses, because here we are talking about the info product, which is what I have, but I also have another type of business that I will not go into now, which is part of Towards Another Level.

Other types of online business

I have several products that help me grow. There is another type of online business, although I like the one more because they give you more freedom, this time, this economic security is the infoproduct. but you can also package your services and offer them online so you don’t have to go to do all the offline meetings and everything that consumes your time.

you also have the , that is, the same consultancy that you do in your office can be done online and you save yourself the displacement. You save all this, you have the group consulting. If you say look, I want to save time, I still like the topic of one-on-one consulting, but I’m going to put them all in a group consultation.

Even here it would be missing the . Making an online community is also a kind of digital business. Online communities work very well, it is putting a group of people who can share,…

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