These are the four signs that a traffic officer can do and most drivers are unaware

The return of September has brought with it a greater condensation of traffic in large cities. For this reason, in recent days it is not uncommon to see traffic agents direct the correct circulation as well as appear in different controls or other situations that involve their participation. Always indicating to the driver what to do with four possible movements of the arm, the majority of Spaniards do not know how to interpret them and can generate confusion in the rest of the actors on the road.

Every driver has ever come across a police officer who is directing traffic or ensuring security at a certain moment. With this outside his vehicle, if he is driving the signals will be of a different type and for other more serious circumstances, up to four different movements can be interpreted depending on the direction of the light signal or the arm.

Some indications that are always of the highest priority, above traffic lights or other fixed signals, the agent will always make them clearly and leaving their intention well reflected on the driver. In addition, he could also use other types of movements, as reflected in , in most cases accompanied by a whistle and with easy-to-recognize gestures.

– Extended arm moving up and down. It forces the speed of the vehicle on which the arm is pointing to decrease. Without stopping, it is usually to warn of a certain risk that exists a few meters ahead.

– Balance of red or yellow light. The same movement as above, but this time accompanied by a light signal indicating the vehicle has stopped. Due to extreme danger or some consideration by the agent, breaking this rule may result in a greater punishment.

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– Arm raised vertically. With the palm of the hand wide open, it also forces you to stop whenever safety conditions allow it. It is a very repeated gesture in traffic agglomerations, where the agents have to intervene for the correct regulation of it.

– Both arms extended horizontally. It is the only signal that refers to all the vehicles that circulate, whatever the direction (the previous ones only referred to the vehicles that the arm indicated). It forces the arrest until the agent does not change position.

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