These are the workers who can retire at 63 in 2022 (and the pension they have left)

Our pension system is a changing model that is modifying its requirements and conditions for pensioners due to the fact that a reform is still being implemented, that of 2011, progressively and a new reform has just been approved (the one planned by José Luis Escrivá , Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration) just a few months ago. This means that pensioners have to study in detail the terms under which they can retire based on their age. One of the possible cases is at 63 years of age.

Which people will be able to retire at 63? The answer is not unique, since it depends on different variables: their previous contribution, the type of retirement they want to take, the contribution bases for which they have contributed throughout their career…

Two large groups of workers will be able to retire at the age of 63 during 2022. With the entry of the new year, both the and the have been modified, so it will be necessary to pay special attention to these two factors (and also to the rest) to know which ones they will be. the conditions of these pensions.

Be that as it may, all these workers who wish to retire at the age of 63 will have to take advantage of early retirement, since the ordinary retirement age in 2022 is 65 years for workers with at least 37 years and six months of contributions and 66 years and two months for the rest.

Voluntary early retirement at age 63

In order to be able to retire early voluntarily, they will need to accumulate those 37 years and six months of contributions that will mark their ordinary retirement age at 65 years. This is due to the fact that voluntary early retirement allows advance payments of a maximum of two years: thus, from the age of 63 these people will be able to retire under this modality.

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Together with the general contribution, they must prove a specific contribution for two years within the last 15, in addition to having to generate a pension higher than the minimum and be registered (or similar situation) with Social Security and be up to date. of payment in its obligations with the organism.

These workers will have to take a cut in their pensions. With the ‘Escrivá reform’ the reduction coefficients applied to the amount of the pension have been modified. These coefficients are monthly and depend on the previous career of the worker and the advance payment of the pension. In accordance with the text of Law 21/2021, of December 28, the coefficients are the following in major advances (when they are made at 63 years of age):

-Between 21% and 5.87% in careers of less than 38 years and six months.

-Between 19% and 5.60% in careers between 38 years and six months and 41 years and six months.

-Between 17% and 5.33% in careers between 41 years and six months and 44 years and six months.

-Between 15% and 5.07% for careers of more than 44 years and six months.

Involuntary early retirement at age 63

Those workers who derive from a non-voluntary cessation of work may also retire early at the age of 63, a modality in which advances of up to four years are allowed with respect to the ordinary age. In these situations, your contribution must be at least 33 years old, you must be registered as a job seeker for at least six months () and the reason for your termination of employment must be in one of the following cases:

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-A collective dismissal for economic, technical, organizational or production reasons.

-A dismissal for objective reasons.

-An termination of contract due to force majeure considered by the labor authority.

-An termination of contract by judicial resolution in a process of bankruptcy law.

-An termination of contract due to death, incapacity or retirement of the employer.

-An termination of contract for reasons of gender violence.

-An termination of contract due to substantial changes in working conditions.

In this type of early retirement, reductions to the retirement pension are also contemplated. The reduction coefficients for involuntary early retirement are also found in the articles of Law 21/2021, of December 28. Those that can affect people with 63 years are those of the middle sections and are the following:

-From 22.50% to 5.87% for workers with less than 38 years and six months of contributions.

-From 21% to 5.60% for workers between 38 years and six months and 41 years and six months of contributions.

-From 19.50% to 5.33% for workers between 41 years and six months and 44 years and six months of contributions.

-From 18% to 5.07% for workers over 44 years of age and six months of contributions.

Early retirement due to profession at age 63

Other workers who may retire early at the age of 63 will be those who belong to one of the professions that, due to their toxicity, arduous or dangerous nature, have special early retirements that in the best of cases are allowed from the age of 53.

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This is the case of mining workers, firefighters at the service of the Administrations, railway workers, aerial work flight personnel, artists, bullfighters, local police, members of the Ertzaintza, workers of the Sea… for each of these groups There is a specific regulation that can be consulted.

Early retirement in the Passive Classes at age 63

The personnel of this regime can retire early from the age of 60, provided that they certify at least 30 years of effective service to the State. This staff includes career civil servants and interns from the State Administration, the Administration of Justice, the General Courts, other constitutional and state bodies transferred to the Autonomous Communities, career military personnel, former presidents of the Government, former vice presidents, former ministers …

The amount of the pension of these workers will depend on the years worked. At 30 years of age, they will be entitled to 81.73% of their regulatory credit (similar to their regulatory base) and this increases each year until, with 35 years of accredited service to the State, they are entitled to 100%. The percentages can be consulted.

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