This is the longest a drop lasts in 2022 and what you can charge

One of the most delicate situations for a worker is when he falls ill or, for whatever reason, has to take time off. It is what is officially called a temporary disability, and its duration and amount depend on multiple factors.

As explained by Social Security, workers who suffer sick leave have the right to collect a temporary disability benefit, which is traditionally known as collecting sick leave. The agency as the “daily subsidy that covers the loss of income of the worker caused by common illness or non-occupational accident, occupational illness or accident at work and observation periods for occupational illness”.

In general, in order to have the right to collect this benefit, the worker is asked to register or assimilate a situation with Social Security. However, in cases of common illness or non-occupational accident, a prior contribution of 180 days is required within the five years prior to sick leave.

How long does a drop last?

Complying with these requirements and providing the corresponding sick leave reports, the worker will be entitled to collect this benefit for temporary disability. Of course, its duration is not indefinite and depends on the type of ailment you suffer:

-If the worker leaves due to an accident or illness, they will be entitled to temporary disability for 365 days, extendable for another 180 days in cases where there is evidence of recovery.

-If the worker’s leave is due to a period of observation due to professional illness, the duration will be six months, extendable for another six months.

How much is paid while on leave

As for the amount of the temporary disability benefit, everything will depend on the origin of the disability and its duration:

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-The amount of the benefit for temporary disability in cases of common illness and non-occupational accident is 60% of the regulatory base from day 4 to 20, and 75% of the regulatory base from day 21 included. Here the regulatory base is the result of dividing the worker’s contribution base in the month prior to the start of sick leave by the number of days to which said contribution refers (30 in the case of monthly salaries and 28, 29, 30 or 31 in daily wages). If the worker suffers sick leave in the first month of joining the job, the contribution base for the month will be divided between the days quoted.

-The amount of the benefit for temporary disability in cases of professional illness or accident at work is 75% of the regulatory base from the first day of temporary disability. In these cases, the regulatory base is the result of adding the contribution base for professional contingencies of the previous month divided by the number of days plus the contribution for overtime hours of the previous calendar year divided by 365 days (except in the cases in which has worked less time, in which the number of days worked before the month of sick leave will be taken into account).

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