This is the new Social Security calculator to know your regulatory base (and your future pension)

The life of a worker is summed up in contributing over the years to, regardless of what he has been able to save during his career, to have a sufficient retirement pension. The calculation to obtain said pension has as its cornerstone the regulatory base, which, as with other benefits or aid, determines what its amount will be.

This regulatory base can be calculated at the time of accessing retirement (currently), but there is also the possibility of projecting what it will be according to certain scales to know its amount in a few years if we stay, for example, in the same job that we currently perform.

It is a new Social Security service called ‘Autocalculation of the Regulatory Base’, which is available to all citizens, although the body emphasizes the usefulness it can have for professionals, as reported by the body in its .

Without the need to have a digital certificate () or , any citizen can access this service, . To start the process, you just need to enter your first and last name, the law by which it will be governed (that of 2011 or the previous legislation) and the retirement date that you want.

At that time, the system will allow you to manually fill in the contribution bases. You can choose between the current minimum base, the maximum base or a personalized one. You can also fill in the bases for periods of time, both in previous years and in future years. In addition, there is the option of indicating if they did part-time work.

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With these amounts, the system will make a calculation and determine what the worker’s regulatory base will be at the time he has established his retirement date. Social Security explains that this report is not binding, does not generate rights and is only informative.

This is how pensions are calculated thanks to the regulatory base

Knowing the regulatory base is very important, since it determines the amount of pensions and benefits, as indicated above. But in the case of retirement pensions, it is not enough, since it requires more details for that amount to be calculated accurately.

The Social Security takes as reference the contribution bases of the last 24 years prior to the request for the pension, a total of 288 bases, and divides this amount by a divisor of 336. The contribution bases of the last 25 years and a divisor of 350 will be applied.

Workers will be entitled to a specific percentage of the regulatory base based on the years they have worked. Contributing for 15 years will give them the right to collect or, failing that, the minimum pension. From then on, for each of the following 106 months, you will be given 0.21% of the regulatory base and for each of the following 146 months, you will have an extra 0.19% of the regulatory base. With this calculation, people need to work 36 years to get .

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