VII Annual Study of eCommerce in Spain 2020: the year in which the coronavirus changed the way of shopping forever – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

IAB Spain and have submitted their VII Annual Study of eCommerce in Spain 2020an edition in which they show us the evolution and trends of the eCommerce market in Spain, this time driven by the confinement situation caused by Covid-19.

Results of the VII Annual Study of eCommerce in Spain 2020

According to the study, currently a 72% of those between 16 and 70 years old use the internet as a shopping channelnamely, 22.5 million people. This year, in addition to growing the proportion of Internet users (93% against 92% in 2019), the number of online shoppers who spend from 71% to 72% this 2020.

He keeps growing! 📈 There are already more than 20 million Spaniards between the ages of 16 and 70 who buy online, which is almost 70% of the total population in this age range 😍😍

— Praise (@praise)

One of the most notable growths related to the number of online consumers is the one produced in the representation of generation Z: although it is the generation that buys the least online, it already reaches 59% of Internet users between 16 and 24 years old, which represents an increase of 7 points over .

This is the online buyer in Spain

On average, the Spanish online consumer is 42 years old (27% of them are between 35 and 44 years old while 22% are between 45 and 54 years old). On average, the Spanish online consumer is usa 4.7 , however, the vast majority use WhatsApp (91%), followed by Facebook (88%) and YouTube (68%).

60% of them have university studies, 73% are currently working, and one of the most notable data: 94% of them connect via mobile, surpassing the 93% who use a PC.

Increase purchase frequency

The study shares that on average it is bought 3.5 times per monthwhen in previous editions (2019 and 2018) the average was 3 times a month. Young people between 25 and 34 years old are the ones who buy more intensively, reaching five times a month. 13% of them even buy 3 or 4 times a week. On average, the cost is 68 euros for each purchase, an increase of 4 euros compared to the results of 2019.

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The majority of online consumers (59%), wait for specific moments such as discount days such as or specific rebates to make your purchases.

The year of the omnichannel

the omni channel It has been one of the great winners of the year. The proportion of consumers who shop at stores that combine online and offline presence has grown 8 points, going from 70% to 78%. In any case, this type of store is still far from leading the table: 88% of buyers opt for the pure players when buying. In addition, the study shows that offer aggregators or comparators have decreased their participation in eCommerce during this year (23%, a difference of -4 percentage points in relation to the previous year).

Among the reasons for choosing to buy online instead of in a physical store, 34% of those surveyed say they have bought online due to conveniencean increase of 5 percentage points from the 2019 results. Other reasons to choose online copra are: the closure of physical stores due to the coronavirus (10%), the proximity of the store (7%), the price (9%) and the speed (7%).

Entertainment and culture, technology and communication and food: the categories that have been purchased the most in 2020

The coronavirus has also impacted the product categories that have been purchased the most in 2020: entertainment is imposed (68%), technology and communication products, necessary for teleworking and distance education (66%) and food (62%), while categories such as trips and stays lose representation.

Conversion rate in Spanish eCommerce

As for the , that is, the number of purchases divided by the number of visits to the website in the different product categories, they also show important changes.

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The categories with the largest increases in conversion rate during the first six months of 2020 Compared to the same period in 2019 they are:

  • Airlines: with 5% conversion rate in 2020 against 3% the previous year
  • multicategory: with 5% in 2020 against 4% in 2019
  • Pets: 10% vs. 9% in 2019
  • Coupons: with 4% in 2020 against 3% in 2019
  • Supermarket: with a 6% conversion rate compared to 5% in 2019
  • Babies and children: with 3% against 2% the previous year
  • Sport: 3% in 2020 vs. 2% in 2019
  • Multicategory teams: with 2% this 2020 against 1% in 2019.

The categories that presented a decrease in their conversion rate this 2020 have been:

  • Food delivery: with 21% this 2020 against 26% in 2019
  • Tickets: with 5% vs 6% in 2019
  • accommodation and hotels: 4% in 2020 vs. 5% in 2019

7 out of 10 Spanish online consumers prefer marketplaces such as Amazon or Aliexpress as a source of information

Amazon, Ebay or, in general, marketplaces are the largest reference source of information on products for Spanish online consumersgaining 4 percentage points this 2020 and reaching 70% of users.

Follow him as a source of information the store website (51%), search engines such as Google (49%) and comparators (27%) that lose 3 percentage points in this edition. For their part, physical stores were a reference for 16% of consumers, down 3 percentage points, yet another impact of confinement.

Practically 9 out of 10 consumers who use marketplaces to search for information use them as price comparators (89%), however, 43% of these consumers prefer to combine their online purchases with physical ones.

Among those Spanish online consumers who seek information on marketplaces, the 88% have bought on these platforms. On average, those who buy on these platforms buy 7 products there for every 10 they buy online.

Having so much information available on the internet causes the 93% of buyers Get informed and look for what interests you on this channel. Additionally, a 74% he even ends up making the purchase through this channel (+5pp vs 2019)

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| The forecast of future users is to combine online and offline purchases, increasing online purchases.

— Marketing4eCommerce (@Mkt4eCommerce)

Half of consumers increased the frequency of online purchases during confinement

The study shows the impact that the coronavirus has had on the online shopping habits of Spaniards: a 51% of those interviewed declared that they have bought online more frequently than usual, while 39% assure that they have maintained the same purchase frequency through this channel and 10% affirm that they have reduced their online purchases.

| The average purchase cost during confinement is much higher than usual.

— Marketing4eCommerce (@Mkt4eCommerce)

The majority (69%) affirm that when normality returns they will return to their usual online shopping frequency, however a 25% of them stated that they will continue to increase their online shopping frequency.

On average, Spanish online consumers have purchased an average of 7.4 times in the last 3 months, while 46% state that they have bought from 2 to 5 times in this period of time. Men have bought more times (7.7) compared to women (7).

The confinement has also increased the average purchase expense; €96 compared to €71 in the last 12 months. This average reaches 103.9 euros among women, while men have an average of 89.1 euros.

or watch the video of the presentation.

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