Virtual assistant: how to customize it to sell more

How to draw the attention of your customers while they browse your online store? Have you thought about the possibility of incorporating a virtual assistant? If you already have it, the next step is to customize it to captivate visitors. 🤩

Why customize your virtual assistant?

I’m going to explain it to you with a personal experience. A few weeks ago I was looking for a gift for a friend and it occurred to me to visit her favorite online stores. I reviewed prices, shipping conditions and other issues, until I decided on two brands. I was looking for a shirt in a particular color. Since I couldn’t find it, I decided to use the site’s virtual assistant.

The first thing I found was a black background and a list of possible reasons for consultation: doubts about buying, problems with the card, changes and returns, etc. I asked about the availability of the product I was interested in. after a few minutes I received the answer from someone named Mariana. In his message, he told me that all the products were available in the store and if they were not listed, it was because they were not in stock. He suggested that I go back in later since they would surely renew the catalog.

I left that store and went to the other option I had chosen. I looked for the virtual assistant and I ran into the same interface and the same reasons for consultation as in the previous chat. I thought I was wrong and that I was still on the same website, but no. I checked again for the availability of the shirt. In a few minutes I received the exact same answer that I had received at the other store. The most striking thing is that who was on the other side of the chat her name was also Mariana. 🤔

I definitely walked out of there without buying. If this had been my first attempt to buy online, I would have thought that all businesses are exactly the same.

Fortunately, it is not. Many stores customize their virtual assistants down to the smallest detail. The objective is provide users with totally unique purchases.

That, precisely, is what we want to help you do today: customize your virtual assistant to attract customers. 🙌

How to customize your smart chat?

Getting people to come to your website is not an easy task. Creating relevant content, working on SEO and having a suitable one takes time. There is a lot of dedication that you must give to your store to waste the visits that arrive. And in this case, without a doubt, the first impression is what counts. A virtual assistant can help you conquer from the first moment. 😍

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Therefore, we bring you some recommendations so that you can attract customers through the personalization of your live chat.

Show yourself, let them see that you are there

“Hi how are things? How can I help you?”
“Hello, what were you looking for?”

Surely these phrases are familiar to you. They are the ones used by those who sell in a physical store. If you’ve ever walked into a store and been greeted by a salesperson with a phrase like this, you know what I’m talking about.

The fact is that if when entering a physical store no person appears to attend to us and ask us what we need, we are going to feel very strange. Even if there are products that we like, we may even decide to leave without buying.

The same thing can happen in an online store. Maybe the greeting from a virtual assistant in time can help a person finish making up their minds.

Stores that use virtual assistants have a huge advantage as they can customize different parameters to grab the customer’s attention. One of the customization options is define a timeout for the automatic greeting.

For example, let’s say the user walks into a sporting goods store. As you navigate through the main page of the store, find the featured offers and stop, at which point you can be approached by the virtual assistant with a “How can I help you?” and driving the user towards the purchase.

Best of all, you can configure according to the objectives of your business and the behavior of your customers. It is even possible to change it depending on the results you are obtaining.

The premise is clear: when a visitor enters your store, let him know that he is not alone, that you are there to guide him. See how Tiendanube does it:

Create an automatic welcome greeting

In addition to making yourself visible with your virtual assistant on the user’s navigation screen, you can welcome you with an automated message. 👋 Something simple, but serve to start the conversation. Go one step further and speak directly to that visitor.

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Hello, I am connected. How can I help you?”
“Hello, what product are you looking for today?”
Hello, are you looking for a particular product? I can help you find it!”

These are some examples of how to get the user’s attention. In this sense, it is very similar to what happens in real life when a message notification appears on our cell phone. Even if we are browsing a site, reading or even watching a video, we will most likely stop what we were doing to see the message. If, in addition, what the person on the other side of the chat tells us interests us, we will continue the conversation.

That is a bit of the essence of the chatbot: converse with the user, give him immediate answers to his query and, in the best of cases, influence their decision and lead them to make the purchase.

Learn more:


Customize the appearance of your virtual assistant

Do you remember the example I gave at the beginning of this note? One of the issues that most caught my attention is that the appearance of the virtual assistants was identical. Same colors, same buttons, there was no differentiation between one and the other. However, they were different businesses.

The best is fully customize the appearance of your virtual assistant. After all, what we want is to attract customers by drawing their attention and that is difficult if we repeat the same formulas as others.

Some recommendations to achieve it:

  • I chose a suitable color. The color of your chat window is one of the aspects to customize. There are no strict rules to follow. Many stores choose to use a color that aligns with the brand image. That can work. Also, you can look for a color that contrasts with those of your business. What you want is to attract customers by calling their attention. Using contrasting colors can help make your virtual assistant more visible.
  • Name your virtual assistant. Did you think of a name for your virtual assistant? In the example I gave at the beginning, the two stores had the same bot named Mariana. Maybe it was a simple coincidence, but if you are going to use a first name, it is best to think it through, you can even name it after a member of your team. This can help users quickly identify that bot as a real person.
  • Use a photo for your bot. Although the user assumes that it is a bot and not a person, it is important to give it an identity to identify it. You can use your brand logo or a person’s photo.
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Give the voice of your brand

How should the virtual assistant of your online store speak? Asking yourself that is key, since personalization must also be in the content of the conversation, in what is said.

Giving your brand voice to your smart chat is essential to convey a consistent message in all the channels in which you interact with the user. But how to do it? Where to start?

You can modify the messages sent by editing the frequent responses it provides, adapting each communication to the tone of your brand.

If, for example, a business treats the user as “you” in all instances of contact, it would not make sense for the virtual assistant in the store to start the conversation by addressing the visitor on a first-name basis.

Furthermore, we must not lose sight of the fact that . That’s why it’s important to consider how we generally communicate with people when messaging. You can apply a lot of that in the answers of your virtual assistant.

For example, use it is very embedded in the conversations we have with friends, family and colleagues. By using it in your live chat you can give your bot a more human touch and generate greater proximity with the user.

Here you can see how the cloud store configured its virtual assistant:

In short, the goal is always to close more sales, of course, that’s what this is all about. But the matter does not end there, providing unique experiences to users helps improve the link. And, as we have already said on more than one occasion, the brands that best relate to their customers manage to sell more.

One way to deliver unique experiences is through personalization. To achieve this, a virtual assistant is the best ally of your online store. Do you dare to try it? 😀

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