Web banner: What is it and how to make one for your online store? – Ecommerce Blog

a web banner It is a digital advertising format that can include images, text, sound or multimedia elements, with the aim of giving visibility to specific content of a company or business.

When it comes to digital advertising, a web banner is one of the best tools to highlight attributes of a brand, products or services, as well as helping to achieve specific objectives. They are allies of marketing campaigns and great communicative supports.

If you want to know more about how to make a web banner for your online store with the best practices, keep reading this content that you have come to the right place. Shall we start?

What is a web banner?

We can define to a web banner as a digital advertising format that can include images, text, sound or multimedia elements and its function is to give visibility to the objectives of a company or business.

A banner can be found on a web page, in certain delimited advertising spaces with the purpose of capturing the user’s attention and getting him to perform a set action, such as visiting a website, leaving a record, making a purchase, downloading a mobile application or simply generate brand awareness.

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Banner or banner?

this anglicism banner is writtenNo banner, following the English grammar. The term banner is an inappropriate use and should not be used to name the digital advertising format commonly used in online stores, pages and websites.

What types of web banner exist?

Now that you know what a banner is, let’s talk about the types of web banners, which are categorized depending on their particular characteristics. Some of the most commonly found web banner types on websites are:

  • rectangle banner
  • box banner
  • pop up banner
  • carousel banner
  • Page steal banner
  • Banner skyscraper or skyscrapers

Let me explain one by one the specifications of each banner.

What is a rectangular banner?

The rectangular banner is usually found at the top of a website, however it can also be found embedded within a content. It usually contains images or messages with attractive offers for the user. Although we can find them in different sizes, the most common is 700 x 120 pixels.

Here I show you an example of a rectangular banner, which you can try and click on it. 😉

What is a box banner?

The box banner is similar to the rectangular banner, since it is usually found at the top of a website, but often it is located at the top right of the page, since in digital content the reading that the user usually does is from right to left, this being one of the most watched locations. The most common size for a box banner is 468 x 60 pixels.

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What is a pop-up banner or pop-up banner?

A pop-up web banner or also called a pop-up banner is easily identifiable as the one that suddenly appears on your computer screen or mobile device. This type of web banner was one of the most popular in the nineties, however its popularity and performance was something that also led it to be one of the most annoying and hated by users.

Although it can be useful to get clicks, it can also be counterproductive if the text or graphics do not make sense to the user, in addition to the frequency with which it appears. Among the most common measurements is 500 x 350 pixels or 550 x 480 pixels.

Today there are extensions of Chrome or specific browser settings that allow the user to block these banners on the sites, so if you plan to use it for the construction of your website or online store, you need to take into account that it can be blocked by browsers by having activated these preferences by users.

What is a carousel banner?

The carousel or slider banner is one of the most used elements in web architecture. It is usually located at the top of a home page and is characterized by allowing the administrator of the website or online store to highlight information or several content offers at the same time.

Although this banner can help increase the time users spend on a site, poorly configured results in serious usability errors, such as continuing to move after user interaction, a high number of content offers or slide, too many buttons or hasty transitions that do not allow the effective reading of messages. Among the most popular measures of the carousel banner is that of 1440 pixels x 770 pixels.

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If you add this element to your online store, some best practices are:

  • Make sure to include messages with relevant information and/or competitive advantages.
  • Do not overload the messages, they must be readable at a glance.
  • Include a link in each image, so your user will have quick access to the content you publish.

Including a carousel banner in your Tiendanube is easier than you think. . Look how well they did

What is a banner stealer?

The page stealer banner is one of the most used in web design because it is one of the least invasive for the user. It is located on the right side of a site, next to the content and although we can find it in various formats, among the most common sizes, we can find the square and the rectangular, being 300 pixels x 250 pixels and 300 pixels x 600 pixels. pixels respectively.

We can find the page-robbing banner, usually in a format integrated into a web page, in a fixed position, since it does not usually go unnoticed by visitors and does not compromise the usability of the site or the reading of the content. There are also them in a drop-down format, making the banner expand when the user passes the cursor over it. It all depends on the operation or the purpose for which it is configured.

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what is a banner skyscraper or skyscraper banner?

the banner skyscraper it is easily identifiable by its vertical format and large size. Similar to the page stealer, it is located on the right side of a web page and usually has a high click rate, as it is located on one of the most frequented sites by the user when browsing and doing scroll down.

As its name indicates, it is similar to a skyscraper, both in terms of height and its large size, the most common measurements being 120 pixels x 600 pixels.

How to make a web banner?

To create a web banner you do not necessarily have to know programming, there are numerous tools that can help you achieve your goal. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a creative web banner, with best practices. Let’s do it!

  1. Define the goal
  2. Choose the format
  3. Develop the message(s)
  4. Get good quality images
  5. Choose the call to action
  6. Measure, analyze and optimize

Let’s talk about each of the points to avoid doubts. You think?

1. Define the objective

Before starting to design, the main thing is to know what the purpose of the banner is. Establishing the motivation is essential for the next steps, as it will help you clarify where it should be located, how it would function, and where it should direct users.

The purpose of the web banner can be as simple as letting users know about your free shipping promotion, or as complex as signing up for a webinar or downloading an app. e book and fill out a registration form.

Usually the most used measurement metrics in web banners are:

  • Impressions: number of times users saw the banner on a site or online store.
  • Clicks: number of users who clicked on the web banner.
  • CTR (click through rate): the number of clicks on the banner divided by the number of impressions.

💡 Tip: You can consider the number of impressions, clicks and a target CTR and see how the audience behaves before the banner.

2. Choose the format

Once you have established the objectives and the measurement that you will carry out, the next step is to choose the format. To do this you can ask yourself the following questions:

  • Where do I want users to see the message?
  • What response do I want to get from users?
  • Would it be an intrusive banner or a banner that accompanies the content?
  • What experience do I want to provide my visitors?
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To choose the format you can also rely on the web design or programming team, in case you have a professional area in your business. Keeping them in mind can help you know if any changes to your site or online store template are needed to implement the banner, or if these spaces already exist and it’s just a matter of putting the creative to work.

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3. Develop the message(s)

Having the format in mind, you can dedicate yourself to the construction of messages for the banners. Some of the considerations that you must take into account is that they must be, without a doubt, persuasive texts that captivate the user’s attention and arouse their curiosity; so you can improve the CTR and generate awareness or brand recall.

Make sure they are short and concise texts, avoiding flashy promises or offers that are too good to be true and seem spam. By generating synthetic texts, you will not only convey your objective quickly and efficiently, but you will also ensure that the message is visible and understandable on mobile devices. Remember that it is not the same to navigate from desktop that in a smartphone.

Among the best practices for the development of texts for banners are:

  • Be brief, direct and concise, always taking care of the number of characters.
  • Communicate one attribute per banner. You don’t want to communicate everything in one piece.
  • Start by alluding to the most important benefit or attribute.
  • It leads the user to an action, avoiding the use of verbs in the infinitive.
  • Be original! Avoid frequently used terms in advertisements.
  • Generates different approaches. This way you can optimize and choose the best one more easily.

4. Get good quality images

The visual elements in a banner, beyond being a simple accompaniment, are a complement to the idea that you intend to convey, since they reinforce attributes or characteristics of your brand and can enhance the message to make it more eye-catching and eye-catching in the eyes of the user. .

, whether they are your products or services, the image you want to convey or what you want the user to associate with your brand. You can even make use of images of the audience to which the banner is directed, for example: if your brand is for pet products, using a photo of a happy user with their dog or a happy cat sounds like a good alternative .

The photographs can be taken by you, from professional banks or from banks…

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