What is a giveaway and how to make one in 5 steps

A giveaway is a contest held by a company or brand. In itself, giveaway means something that is given for free to a customer. Learn how to make a successful giveaway with these recommendations.

Have you ever participated in a giveaway? We all love to win gifts from our favorite brands, but not all of us have been lucky enough to be awarded.

These online giveaways are a great opportunity to grow your followers and interactions, as well as get noticed on social media.

If you want to know what they are and how to make a giveaway, you have reached the definitive guide on .

We help you step by step in the process with tips, free tools, dynamics and even tips to win a giveaway. Let’s start from the most basic to the most complex Shall we?

What is a giveaway?

A giveaway is a contest carried out by a company or a brand in order for the participants to do a certain action.

It includes a prize, which can sometimes be products or services, as well as a specific dynamic to follow in .

What does give away mean?

According to the , giveaway means “something that is given for free to a customer”, usually for promotional purposes.

However, the use of this word on the internet changed to refer to the action of making a or in any other social network.

What is the translation of giveaway?

Its translation is “gift given to a client”. Hence, it is used to refer to the dynamics of participation in an event or contest.

Why do a giveaway?

If you have a brand, here we give you some reasons to make a giveaway on social networks.

  • They increase your community in social networks.
  • They are useful to make your brand more visible.
  • They help customers.

Now we tell you a little more about each of these points.

Increase your community on social media

This is one of the clearest benefits of doing a giveaway and it is that, usually, the dynamics of participation in this type of contest include: liking the Facebook fan page, following their account on Instagram, sharing a publication or taking some action .

All this so that more people find out that the business is doing an online giveaway.

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They are useful to make your brand more visible

By aiming to generate more engagement, comment, answer or interact with a company’s networks, a giveaway will help you amplify your message and make yourself known to a broader segment.

In addition, by using the appropriate hashtags, it will be possible for you to reach a hitherto unexplored audience on social networks.

Help build customer loyalty

Doing a giveaway helps to humanize your brand and make it closer to potential customers.

If you already had a segment of buyers and followers pending on your social networks, it is likely that by doing this dynamic they will see you as a business that connects with them and speaks their same language.

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According to , doing a giveaway on Instagram can help you increase your numbers up to 70% faster in less than three months, as it is an excellent tool to get comments and likes.

When to make a giveaway?

Here are some of the best times to do a giveaway on social media:

  • Valentine’s Day
  • Father’s day
  • Friends day
  • black friday
  • Christmas
  • The anniversary of your brand
  • The launch of one of your products

If it is a strategy that you have already noticed that works with your audience, consider one of these dates to make a giveaway on social networks and attract the attention of potential buyers.

See all the important dates!


How to make a giveaway?

If you want to know how to make a giveaway and get the most out of your online contest, these five steps will make the process much easier.

  1. Define the goal you want to achieve with the giveaway.
  2. I chose the gift.
  3. Plan the logistics of participation.
  4. Promote your giveaway.
  5. Select the winner.

Now we delve into each of these points so that there are no doubts.

1. Define the goal you want to achieve with the giveaway

If you want to reach the goal, first you have to consider one on the horizon. Even if it’s a social media dynamic, doing it with a purpose in mind is one of the first (and best) steps you can take to ensure success.

Objectives to make a giveaway

  • Increase your community on social networks.
  • Generate engagement and brand awareness.
  • Drive traffic to your store.
  • Loyalty to your audience.
  • Increase your sales.
  • Get more leads.

Although you want to get the most out of your giveaway, we recommend that you do not select more than three objectives, as this will increase the number of steps in the participation dynamic and discourage users.

💡 Tip: Choose your goals and set quantitative goals (number of followers you want to increase or number of visits to the site), that way it will be easier to evaluate if you were successful.

On average, with this number in mind, you can set yourself a goal that makes sense and see if your account can grow by this or more.

2. I chose the gift

Once you have the goals well defined, you have to think about the prize. What do you want to give to the winners? It has to be something attractive, that draws the attention of your audience and even those who do not know you.

How should a prize be for a giveaway?

  • Relevant: Something your audience is interested in winning.
  • Valuable: something unique, that offers value (not necessarily something expensive).

To choose what to give in a giveaway, take into account the value of the gift, the usability and the purpose of the dynamic.

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If your goal is for more people to know you, perhaps the prize could be one of your best-selling products or the one that generates the most attention; If your goal is to increase your sales, it can be an initial kit that, having it, leads to consuming more of your brand.

For example, if you are in the business of selling essential oils and diffusers, you could give away a diffuser with an essential oil or two and then the winners’ next purchase will likely be more essential oils to continue using the diffuser.

Most popular gifts for giveaways

  • Brand products (kits of different best sellers or starter products)
  • Promotional material with colors or logo
  • Low-cost free services (a spa session, a dinner, an experience)

Another factor to consider is the demographics of your account. Check the analytics of your social networks, the gender of your users and the age, so you will know which audience to focus on, if they are more women or men, if they are 30 years old or perhaps younger.

Knowing this data will help you propose a prize that is attractive to them.

According to one, 53% of the participants in a giveaway are men and the average age is 30 years. However, it is important that you check if these numbers apply to your community.

3. Plan the logistics of participation

Participation logistics are just as important as the previous two steps, as they are at the core of how to run a successful giveaway. It is subject to previously established objectives and can vary as much as you decide.

Good participation logistics must be:

  • Easy: This will help encourage more users to participate in the dynamic by meeting relatively simple requirements.
  • Clear and structured: knowing it thoroughly will give the contest reliability and avoid confusion and misunderstandings regarding how the winners are chosen.

Keep in mind that , then think of an activity that does not take more than this time.

Don’t know what dynamic to do? Here we give you some ideas for giveaways that you can use and are among the most popular on social networks.

To follow

Ask users to follow your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or . This step contributes directly to growing your network community.

Leave a comment on the post

If you are looking to generate more engagement, ask your users to comment and share the giveaway post (this way you will also ensure that more people find out about the dynamic and participate).

Like and comment

This combination will help the social media algorithm consider your post as relevant and show it more in the user’s feed or timeline.

answer a question

With this dynamic you will not only achieve greater engagement, but you can ask something that interests you, such as what they like most about the brand, what product is their favorite and why, and with that, learn more about you. audience and potential consumers.

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A photo with…

By asking them to take a photo with something in a color associated with your brand or with an element of your logo and tag you, you will generate conversation around your business.

name the photo

Whether it’s rewarding the most creative or the one who participates the most, you can make your followers more interested in your next posts.

follow the phrase

You can start a sentence like “My favorite thing about (your brand here) is…” and see what values ​​they associate with your company.

use a hashtag

If you already have a hashtag associated with your business, you can boost it until it becomes a trending topic on Twitter or makes it memorable for your followers.

Tag the location

If you have a physical point of sale, this is a good way to bring users from your networks to your store. Ask them to take a photo and tag the location. It can even be a good dynamic to celebrate the opening of a new branch.

Visit the website and leave an e-mail

If you want to bring traffic from your social networks to your online store and you have a subscription system or where to leave an email, this dynamic may be perfect to meet your goal.

Don’t forget the terms and conditions!

Remember that the terms and conditions of participation are vital to avoid misunderstandings.

From the beginning, your audience has to know the steps to follow, the participation time (that is, if it is going to be one week, two weeks, etc.), how many winners it is going to have, how they are going to select them, if it is exclusive for a region or is it available for all of Argentina or the world and if they are going to have to cover the cost of sending the prize.

You can even tell them through which tool the winners will be chosen, if it will be random or if it will be the first five or ten. You can also specify which actions are to be taken for void entries or for disqualification.

If you have a Tiendanube, all this information can be included in a content page. Thus, in case of doubts or clarifications, you will have a document to refer users to so that they can consult the terms and conditions of participation.

4. Promote your giveaway

Although for many a dynamic like this does not need additional promotion, since the prize encourages users to amplify the message, within the good practices to make a giveaway is…

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