What is personal marketing? Learn about examples and their relationship with branding

In an increasingly competitive job market, having technical skills may not be enough to make you stand out professionally. That’s why if you want to get ahead, it’s time to know what personal marketing is and how to develop it.

But do you know what it is?

Personal marketing is made up of a set of strategies that aim to realize your professional and personal characteristics.

It is not about inventing a lying profile, but about revealing the most relevant aspects about yourself and the work you do. Through correct personal promotion strategies, you will be able to stand out, regardless of your area of ​​activity.

If you still don’t know how to do personal marketing and benefit from this strategy, check out our tips to get started today!

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The importance of personal marketing

Imagine the following situation: Cecilia is a with a lot of technical experience. For several years, she sought to qualify for better results in her business and developed important skills for her performance in the market. But even so, she did not manage to stand out professionally in the midst of so many professionals in her field.

Over time, he noticed that there were other professionals with the same level of his resume or even with lower skills, but who managed to attract more attention. All this thanks to the investment they made in their personal images.

Cecilia, who we just introduced, is just a fictional character, but she represents many real people.

We use this story only to show you that, in addition to the technical qualification, it is important to know how to sell your own image.

The market is full of big players in all segments and, to get ahead, you have to show why .

With personal marketing, the professional is able to develop their public image, making it more and more attractive to future employers.

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And for entrepreneurs, investment in personal promotion must be even more present. The said “The first impression is what counts” applies very well here!

The more well-crafted your image is, the greater the chances that your business will be noticed not only by the market, but also by those who are most interested: your potential customers.

How to do personal marketing?

First of all, it is important to note that personal marketing is not reduced to a single action, but is related to a set of professional habits.

That is why the work must be continuous, with coherence and integrity, to transmit confidence to the market.

Successful professionals know very well the importance of passing on a well-constructed image so that they are remembered and within their areas of activity.

Of course, there are some tips that can help you improve the way you promote yourself, and it is about them that we are going to talk. See here the best strategies that you can start putting into practice today:

1. Participate in events in your area

One of the most efficient forms of personal promotion is constant participation in events related to your area of ​​activity. This is very important because they are spaces conducive to development networkinga network of contacts and professional connections that can support you in the future.

An example of an unmissable event for those who or even for those who are looking for more knowledge about digital marketing is the , which already had editions in Spain and Colombia.

In the case of the fashion market, Fashion Week of Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Mexico and Colombia They are interesting options for merchants and stylists who want to have contact with the specialized press on the subject, for example.

Whatever your segment, keep in mind the events and opportunities where the brands you follow participate or advertise on their social networks.

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This can be an opportunity to connect with professionals that you consider a reference and, perhaps, leave an open door for future alliances.

2. Keep your LinkedIn page always up to date

In the social media scene, It is the one that stands out the most when the matter is and, contrary to what many people think, it is not only useful for professionals looking for relocation in the market.

Within LinkedIn it is possible to establish connections with other professionals, which makes the platform an excellent space to attract business partners.

In order to stand out on this platform, it is important to keep your profile always updated. More than just creating an account, it is necessary to spend some time building a profile with the most relevant information about you and your work.

If you are a blogger, for example, you can share your blog posts on the platform and, if possible, write specific content for your profile.

3. Go beyond your scope of work

Many professionals with excellent qualifications lose space in the market because they are limited to their own field of activity.

For you to be able to develop your personal marketing well, you have to go beyond your field of work.

Offer to help people from other areas, show interest in the tasks that other professionals perform and try to absorb all kinds of knowledge that may be useful for carrying out your own work.

4. Have a blog to build authority on a topic

Blogs are excellent tools to sell your image.

that represents your performance in the market, producing relevant information that really inspires and helps your target audience.

The more value you generate for your readers, be it through texts or rich materials, the better the image you will give in your area of ​​action.

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5. Recognize the value of your work

One of the mistakes most professionals make, especially when they are beginners, is not recognizing the value of their work.

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Personal Marketing depends on how you position yourself in the market. Whenever a positive result arrives, take care to assume that it belongs to you, celebrate the victory and highlight your success.

Be careful to do this in a natural way and without obfuscating anyone on your team, as there is a very fine line between being confident and arrogant.

6. Have extracurricular projects

To pass off a good image, it is interesting that you invest in carrying out extracurricular projects that go beyond your field of activity.

Whether you deepen knowledge you already have, discovering new trends or interacting with other professionals, extracurricular activities and projects allow you to add new experiences to your resume as a professional or entrepreneur.

7. Seek to specialize

You can be the best in your field, but you will always have something new to learn.

Seeking to constantly deepen knowledge is ideal so as not to be left behind, mainly in markets in constant transformation, as is the case of the digital market.

Follow the blogs of your segment and keep abreast of new versions of the tools you already use in your day to day.

So, don’t stop studying and improving your personal marketing more and more!

Now that you know what personal marketing is and how to take advantage of it to strengthen your image and personal brand, we wish you the best of luck when it comes to being valued both in the job market and in the entrepreneurial market.

And if you want to know more about entrepreneurship, visit our post about .

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