MailChimp: complete tutorial to automate emails

MailChimp is one of the most popular email marketing tools on the Internet, and brings together, in a single service, cost and benefit with truly useful features. Despite this, many people are unaware that it goes beyond simply sending messages.

Contrary to what many people think, email marketing is not dead or obsolete. On the contrary, it remains one of the best communication channels out there.

To give you an idea, according to data from the the 40% of marketers agree that sending email is essential for the success of a content marketing strategy.

And that’s not all. Email marketing also helps drive sales. 44% of email users make at least one purchase a year from a promotional emailaccording to a survey of .

As you can see, using email to communicate with your audience is very good and can bring good results to your brand. This happens because, unlike social networks, in emails the message is personalized and is spoken directly to the customer, without algorithms that limit the scope.

And in today’s text, we will talk about MailChimp, one of the most famous email marketing automation services. Do you want to know how to use this tool? Then join us in reading.

Everything you will find in this post:

What are email sending tools?

A only bring the expected results if you segment your contacts based on the interests of each group and send content aligned to the step in which these users are in the .

Imagine having to do all this work on your own and manually!

Early in your business, when your base is small, this may be feasible. But, as the number of customers and the number of people interested in your product increases, this task can become extremely difficult, as well as being a process more susceptible to errors or forgetfulness.

The email sending tools serve exactly to automate the processes of these shipments according to your segmentations. And a great advantage is that they come with diverse functionalities, from friendly and attractive design options, to the customization of lists and measurement of results, which increases the efficiency and agility of your strategy.

What is MailChimp?

MailChimp is one of the largest email sending platforms out there. .

The free version of the service allows the registration of 2 thousand recipients and the sending of up to 12 thousand messages per month, which perfectly suits a business that is in its initial stage.

If the default settings are not enough for you, you have the option of the paid version, which allows you to register more users and send more emails per month.

The tool is widely used and recognized in the market due to its simplicity.

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With MailChimp you can segment your campaigns, choose the statistical data you want to follow, perform A/B tests, integrate the service with other tools and/or platforms and, even more, you can use the available templates in communication with your audience.

All this in the free version!

Main features of MailChimp

When we talk about MailChimp, the first thing we think of is email marketing. But in fact, setting up and launching email campaigns is just one of the many features the tool offers.

MailChimp, in fact, is a marketing integration platform, which aggregates several solutions that make it easy to plan, execute, and track entire marketing actions.

Below, you can see some of the main resources available (availability may vary depending on the chosen plan):

  • Tool ;
  • Lead management and segmentation;
  • Personalization of emails;
  • Email marketing automation;
  • A/B testing;
  • Creation of registration forms;
  • Creation of announcements and publications for social networks;
  • publisher of ;
  • Performance reports.

Step by step to use MailChimp

Despite being a fairly intuitive and easy-to-use tool, we share with you the step-by-step guide to using MailChimp. We are going to show you from the registry to the main functionalities of this tool.


  1. Accede to and click the button Sign Up Free to create your account.
  1. Write your email, create a username and password and click Get Started.
  2. Access your email and activate the MailChimp account. To do this, in the email you receive simply click on Activate Account.

You will be automatically redirected to a new page to confirm that you are not a robot. click on I’m Not a Robot and wait for the next page.

  1. During the confirmation of your user, you must enter your Name and Surname.
  1. Next, it will ask you for the name of your project and the URL of your web page, which can be a blog, a site or a . If you don’t have a site, use this field to place your page link on either for instance.
  2. Next, MailChimp will ask for your address.
  3. Before completing the registration, the platform asks you if you use any of the following tools : Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce and BigCommerce. Just select the option that applies: And it is either Nope.
  4. You can connect your MailChimp account to your social networks. To do this, just click on the symbol + that appears in front of each network.
  5. Select the first option, Subscribe to Getting Startedto get started with basic email sending tools, and click Let’s Go! to start.
  6. Clever! You’ve just created your account and you’re on the main page of MailChimp.

Creation of contact lists

Before configuring your contact lists, you must take into account the Customer Journey of your potential client, to guide communication in the best possible way.

  1. To get started, go to the top left corner of the home page, click lists and then in CreateList.
  1. A page will open for you to fill in the ListDetails (list details), which are:
  • list name,
  • Email address that will be used to send the messages,
  • Sender name.
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Use a valid email, since it will be in this address that users can use to ask questions and solve their doubts.

  1. In the countryside Remind people how they signed up to your listbriefly explain the reasons why those people are receiving your email.

For example: You have registered to receive the from my blog.

  1. After filling in all these fields, click Save at the end of the page.
  2. Clever! Your first contact list has been created.

If you want, we have a step by step video too! Below is:

registration forms

To get user emails, you will need to have a either to act as contact capture page.

  1. To link your page to the list, click again liststhen the name of the list you created, then Signup Forms. This page will display the available options for registration forms.
  1. One of the most efficient strategies to capture emails is the pop up formthat message that appears on a screen “above” the content of the page, inviting the user to sign up for an email list.

To create a pop up form for your page, select the option subscriber pop up clicking on Select.

  1. On the right side of the page that will open, you can customize the pop up changing the color, text font, and layout formatting.
  2. in the tab content, add the text that will serve as an invitation for the user to register. Remember to offer things that are related to the content of your page.
  3. At the end of the pop up formjust generate the code in Generate Codein the lower right corner of the page, copy and paste in the post of your page or blog, in the tab Text.

Email Creation

Now that you have created the means to capture contacts, it is time to create the email that people will receive when they sign up.

We are going to show you how to make a welcome email as an example, knowing that the procedure is the same for creating any other type of message.

  1. On the MailChimp home page, click Campaigns> Create Campaign.
  1. Click in the search field and type/select Welcome or education series.
  2. Select the option that best suits you. Since we are going to create a welcome email, select the option Welcome new subscribers.
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  1. Give your campaign a name, select the list you want and click Begin.
  2. then click Design Email on the right side of the screen. In this step, you must fill in the fields that appear with the following information:
  • email name;
  • title of the message to be sent;
  • text to appear right next to the title in the inbox;
  • sender’s contact.
  1. click on Next at the bottom of the page to go to the next step.
  2. At this stage, you need to choose the template for your email. MailChimp offers several options, just select the one that best matches your brand and the that you drew for your business.
  3. On this page it is possible to view all the content of the email in blocks. Click on the block of text you want to edit and, on the right of the screen, enter the text you want.

To add other elements, such as images or videos, hover or select the desired block on the right side and drag it onto the layout, placing it exactly where you want the element to be added.

Don’t forget to customize all the text and proofread it so you don’t leave any loose ends, errors or incomplete spaces.

It is also important to translate the message of the last block with a text that gives the option for the user to cancel his registration (unsubscribe from the list).

  1. We suggest that, after personalizing the content of the email, you do a test. click on Preview and Test and select the option Send a test email.
  2. Enter your email address and check what you’ve received to make sure your audience gets the message exactly how you want it.
  3. If it’s ok, in MailChimp, click Save and Return to Workflow in the upper right corner.
  1. To define when that email will be sent to users, click Edit Trigger and select the option delay what you want You can send it immediately after registration or a few hours, days or weeks later, after a certain action. To save, click Update Trigger.
  2. For each email in your funnel, you must repeat this entire process of creating, customizing content and defining the delivery time.
  3. When you’re ready, click Next and then in Start Workflow. When the confirmation screen with the MailChimp mascot hand appears, your funnel will be in the air!

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