White and gold or blue and black, what color do you see the dress?

This dress is dividing the world into two types of people: those who see it as white and gold, and those who see it as blue and black. The phenomenon is turning on social networks, especially Twitter, since nobody understands the reason for the change in color of the garment.

#TheDress is a global trending topic, a hashtag full of users who comment that it is impossible to see it in any other color than the one they see. Even the presenter Ellen DeGeneres retweeted the image reaching 43 thousand retweets.

To demonstrate that there is a clear division, the website buzzfeed.com has carried out a survey, in which 1,817,800 people have participated, and whose result is that 72% see it as white and gold. However, the reality is that the original dress is blue and black, as we can see in Roman, her store.

A Twitter user claims to have the explanation, whose theory is based on color mixtures (subtractive and additive) and has a clear conclusion:

– If you see the blue and black dress: the cones of your retina have a high functioning, which translates into a subtractive mixture of color. People who see it in these colors are more sensitive to light.

– If you see the white and gold dress: your eyes do not work well in dim light, so the rods of your retinas see white carrying out an additive mixture, the result of which is gold.

An explanation why you see this dress as blue and black or white and gold.

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? Andy Rexford (@andyrexford)

To check this theory, the user recommends changing the brightness of the mobile from the lowest to the highest, obtaining as a result that when the brightness is lower we see it in white and gold, and with the highest brightness in black and blue.

This division has also been attributed to our state of mind. One user claims that when there is a big event in a person’s life that is having a negative effect, their color vision may vary. This is due to emotions, so a person who sees the dress in black and blue, can see it in another color as soon as her mood changes.

From this day on, the world will be divided into two people. Blue & black, or white & gold.

? Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow)

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