1916. Questions and Bootstrap 5 – .com

Today we launch Bootstrap 5 course and answer questions about ROA, membership sites marketplace, packages, academies, themes, and much more.

But first, to announce that today we are launching the , to learn how to use this great library that allows us to design beautiful, clear and responsive websites for all devices. This morning we will see the introduction, and this afternoon how to design sites.

Also, I remind you that next Thursday the 23rd we will have the first to talk about content marketing for personal branding.

And now yes, let’s go for the questions, the protagonists of the day:

1. Hello Joan, after many years as Boluder, so many that I don’t even remember when I started listening to you, I finally decided to write to you. My partner is a civil servant in spirit, after many years picking and shoveling, after a break caused by the lack of job offers in schools, 9 months ago, I get him to set up an online artisan cake shop with his sister. But of course, despite having a loyal clientele of friends, it is not enough to cover all the fixed expenses (basically salary) and my teacher, by profession, sees everything as negative, and wants to close now, although I have a less clear diagnosis of what happens. There is no price problem, and the demand is sufficient, we did a campaign in Ads for a few months, and it didn’t go too well (I suppose it could be improved). We detected that the web has a lack of visits to convert and I don’t know how to solve the lack of reach. I proposed to inboud him through videos on YouTube and Instagram because his audience is there, but they don’t see it, nor do they like the commercial part. Can you think of something that could work that does not involve putting €500 a month in google ads? since I think it is a good business, with margin and differentiated. We could put some money into publici but not for many months, especially if we don’t have a quick return PS: Before you tell me, I already told him that we should do a membership of monthly cakes, but they only got me down, hehehehe (Manuel)

2. Hi Joan, is there any way to find out the suppliers of my competition? Thank you very much and best regards. (Richard)

3. Good morning Joan, Thank you once again for taking the time to answer all our questions and help us grow day by day. This time my question is simple and simple. What plugin do you recommend to create image membership sites in the onlyfans or mypriv style? Thank you for your advice because without them our success would not be what it is, it simply would not be what it is. Greetings (Jesus)

4. Hello Joan, My question today is in relation to my father’s business. He has been a parquet and flooring installer for more than 40 years (self-employed) and many times I have thought about how to offer a service that would generate recurring income. Have you ever recommended to package some services but in this case in which the services or works are more punctual and spaced out in time than in the case of design work or online services, I do not see it very clearly. I ask you if you have had any Experience of this type with construction workers such as plumbers, bricklayers, etc. in which, in addition to recurrence, there is the particularity that the service is physical. Thank you very much in advance for everything you contribute every day! (David)

5. Good morning Joan. I am a Senior Marketing and Advertising Technician, and I have learned 15 times more with your platform and your podcasts in 4 months than in 2 years in the higher level of Marketing and Advertising. Well, how would my dermatologist say let’s cut to the chase. My sister studied economics and did a master’s degree to be a teacher. We intend to create a membership site for math students from first to four of ESO. The idea would be for my sister to record videos with the theory and practice of the entire ESO math book syllabus. The problem is that we would like to create the platform with all the videos already prepared and uploaded to the web, but of course… this can be a crazy job. We don’t know whether to try first only 1 of ESO to see the acceptance it has and to see if we do the other courses. I think it could be an interesting business idea so that all students have support to turn to when they have doubts in this subject. It is just the possible beginning of an idea, but I would like to gradually shape it since both my sister and I work full time. I would like to know your general opinion about all this. Thank you very much for everything Joan. A hug. (Sergio)

6. Good morning Joan, I recently took over the management of the website of a family business that rents out tourist apartments. It is the first time that I am going to get my hands on a website but with everything I have learned with your courses I felt qualified to do it. The main problem that I have found is that the theme that is being used is one called skt-hotel and it is full of shortcodes and a large part of the web content is included in the theme, so I do not dare to change it since I could lose it all. Should I stick with this theme or try changing it to a better one? In the event that you recommend changing it, could you recommend a theme for this type of tourist apartment rental website? Thank you very much for all the help you give us. Regards, (Daniel)

And here are the questions of the day! I hope the responses have been of interest and helpful to both those who have asked and those who have listened. I recommend you expand what has been commented with the episode, as well as the plugin, the and the .

See also  WordPress custom content course - .com

As always, thank you all so much for your five-star ratings on , on , and , subscribing to and for being there, on the other side. Without you this would not be what it is, without you this simply… It would not be!

We’ll hear each other tomorrow Tuesday with a business idea, which perhaps, perhaps, will be… Your business idea! As always, at 07:07. Until then… Very good Monday, and a better week!

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