574. Business idea: Used cardboard boxes – .com

We continue with the cycle of original business ideas, in this case very ecological: A marketplace of used cardboard boxes. It’s that simple!

The idea that we are analyzing today is , a marketplace where everyone can buy and sell used cardboard boxes. The idea came from Ilia Gimelfarb, who felt a bit silly buying cardboard boxes for a move that she later had to throw away.

As always, an easy, simple and simple idea that can be counted in 5 seconds of the 30 elevator pitch 🙂 Here you have the summary/rundown of the program for:

I also leave here a video of how to sell the boxes. They have another on how to buy them. As you can see, it is an extremely simple concept, in which we have no risks or expenses.

Well, here we leave it for today. I hope someone dares to put it together, and if so, please, I’ll be delighted if you come to the podcast and tell us about it. This is how I make you known with an initial push!

And with this we settle the last of the online business ideas of this season. As always, thank you very much for your evaluations of , and for being on the other side. You guys make this podcast possible! Thank you!

And remember that we’ll see you at 10:10, in the middle of , where we’ll see the digital development, and tomorrow at 07:07, with the last case study of the season, in true Perry Mason style. Until then… Very good morning! 🙂

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