How to modify the footer in Genesis – .com

In this tutorial we are going to see how to modify the footer in a template created with the Genesis Framework.

Modify the footer in Genesis

Often we will need to modify the footer of our sites and customize it according to specific requirements. In the Genesis Framework this is an easy task as their themes have common functionality and changes are made in a similar way, in fact it’s one of the reasons Genesis is so good.

In this tutorial we are going to see how to customize the footer of our site using a plugin, so that we do not need to write PHP code, and also how to do it with code. We will see the steps to follow in each case.

Modify the footer using a plugin

The first thing we are going to see is how to remove or modify the footer in our Genesis child theme without using code.

For this we are going to install a free plugin called Genesis Simple Edits and it is available to download in the . It has been created by , the Genesis Framework development team, and with it we can make various modifications very easily.

As always, the first step is to install the plugin if we don’t have it on our page. To do this we go to the WordPress desktop, and access “Plugin / Add new”. Then we enter its name to search for it, and once located we install and activate it.

Then a new menu option will appear in “Genesis”. If we click on “Genesis/Simple Edits” we will open on the screen the different customization options that this plugin allows us:

On the one hand, the “Meta Information” will help us to modify the information that appears both above and below our content. On the other, we have two more fields that are going to be the ones we use to customize the footer of our website. They are subtly different, so let’s see what we can do with each of them:

  • Footer Credits Text: This field is normally used to include the credits in the footer of our website. Usually a link to WordPress, Genesis, etc.
  • Footer Information / Footer Output: We are going to use this field to modify the content of the footer in its entirety. We may include markup code as well as classes to change the look and style of our site’s footer. This option includes a “Modify entire footer text (including markup)” checkbox. If we select it, it will do exactly what it says, replace the entire footer including the HTML and CSS that we have written in the bottom box.
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If you look, these fields contain several shortcodes. It is possible to add some more, in fact we can see a list of available shortcodes simply by clicking on “Show available footer shortcodes”. Shortcodes will then appear that we could use in the “Footer Credits Text” and “Footer Information” fields.

  • footer_copyright: If we use this shortcode, the copyright notice is displayed.
  • footer_childtheme_link: If we want to show the link to our child theme.
  • footer_genesis_link: The link to Genesis.
  • footer_studiopress_link: Provide a link to StudioPress in case we want to link to your page.
  • footer_wordpress_link: If we use it we will have the text “WordPress” with a link to the official page.
  • footer_loginout: Shows the login or closing link depending on whether or not we are identified.

We can customize them a lot, in fact apart from the shortcodes we could use punctuation marks, hyphens, and other special characters. We could even use HTML and CSS markup as discussed above.

For example, if we wanted to change the text that appears in these fields, we could remove or add shortcodes. We would also have the possibility of eliminating the entire footer simply by deleting the content of the “Footer credits text” field, and leaving the box to modify the complete text of our footer unchecked:

If what we are interested in is modifying our footer so that it contains certain links, such as those corresponding to the privacy policy of our page, cookies policy, and legal notice, in addition to giving them style, we could use the second field and add the following:

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Finally we would only have to define the “privacy-footer” class in the style sheet of our child theme, and save. If you are interested in knowing more about CSS, we have the one where you can delve into the subject.

So you see, we can make as many modifications to our footer as we want. Either using shortcodes, writing custom content with HTML and CSS styles according to our needs, or mixing both techniques. In the next section we will now see how to modify the footer of our website using only code.

Modify the footer in Genesis using code

If you prefer to go with the code and don’t want to install extra plugins, we can include the modifications directly in the functions.php file that is located inside the directory of our active theme.

In this case we are going to see several code snippets. With the first of them, what we will achieve is to completely eliminate the information from our footer. The code that we would have to add to our functions.php file would be the following:

//Remove the footer credits remove_action( ‘genesis_footer’, ‘genesis_footer_markup_open’, 5 ); remove_action( ‘genesis_footer’, ‘genesis_do_footer’ ); remove_action( ‘genesis_footer’, ‘genesis_footer_markup_close’, 15 );

If what we are looking for is to replace the text that appears in the footer with a totally personalized content, removing the credits, in addition to the previous code we would have to add a new function at the end of our functions.php file. It would be something like this:

// Customize footer in Genesis add_action( ‘genesis_footer’, ‘bld_customize_footer’ ); function bld_customize_footer() { ?>

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We could also modify our footer credit line by adding a filter that acts on the footer credits text in the theme. In this case we would use a code similar to the following. If you use it, remember to replace the URLs that appear with your URLs.

// Modify footer credits in Genesis add_filter(‘genesis_footer_creds_text’, ‘sp_footer_creds_filter’); function sp_footer_creds_filter( $creds ) { $creds=”© 2022 · Contact · Legal notice“; return $creds; }

And that’s it, it’s that easy! With these simple steps, either using the Genesis Simple Edits plugin or directly through code, we can modify the footer in templates created with the Genesis Framework.

Summary and conclusion

Sometimes we need to modify the footer of our sites and customize it according to our needs. If we work with the Genesis Framework we will see that we have several possibilities and, what is better, since its themes have common functionalities, the changes are made in a similar way.

In this case we have several options, we have seen how to modify the footer of our website using the Genesis Simple Edits plugin, and also how to do it with some simple code snippets that we add to the functions.php file of our child theme.

We hope this tutorial will help you when customizing your themes. If you want to learn more about Genesis or create a child theme from scratch, we recommend that you take a look at the and the . You will also have at your disposal more than 6047 step-by-step videos that you can access immediately 🙂

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