Facebook Christmas Marketing Guide 2019: 6 Key Trends for Your Brand – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

Christmas is almost there and if you still don’t have a Christmas marketing strategy, it’s time to get started. The biggest shopping period is getting closer and if you want to take this momentum, you will have to stand out from your competition.

The Six Global Facebook IQ Trends You Should Follow as a Holiday Marketing Guide

In order to help you in the process of your strategy, Facebook published its , in which it outlines a series of statistics and ideas that will help you to better focus to achieve your business goals for the end of the year, which include the increase in, messaging and other key consumer trends this season.

1. Christmas customers consume earlier and more

Now, the Christmas shopping season covers from the fourth quarter to the first quarter of the following year. Over the past year, conversions on Facebook started to increase as early as October, and by the end of November, close to 1 in 10 holiday shoppers had finished their seasonal shopping.

2. Consumers will not tolerate bad shopping experiences

Before making their purchases, consumers go to brands through multiple channels, and are much less willing to suffer any inconvenience or friction when it comes to getting what they want.

This fact is especially increased during the Christmas season, which is by far the busiest time of the year. While the improvements have been made, the companies still have a long way to go: 85% of global holiday consumers have experienced at least one problem during the season through their mobile devices.

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3. Shop windows are moving to stories

During the 2018 Christmas season, the 63% of consumers watched or posted videos to stories on platforms like Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat. In that same period, more than a third of parents said they the videos created by in helped them choose what to buy.

Facebook assured that 69% of people see stories on Facebook and Instagram as a way to discover and become familiar with new products or services, in addition, 62% of people are more interested in a brand or product after seeing it in stories .

4. People still buy from physical stores

Although eCommerce globally grew by 18% last year, it only accounts for 15% of total retail sales. The main reason for shopping in physical stores during the holiday season is to see the products in person, but also These types of stores provide emotional benefits that are difficult to reproduce online.

42% of US consumers said they shop at brick-and-mortar stores because of the holiday mood, and 27% of them said they choose a brick-and-mortar store to spend time with family, so think about a strategy.

5. Major shopping events have gone global

Globally, shopping during and Cyber ​​Monday grew by 9% and 15% respectively, during the 2017 and 2018 seasons. The one that started as a tradition in China and is now known as the 11:11, increased by 25% during the same period.

The 11:11 promotional season has been spread over a longer period across Europe, meaning brands risk missing out if they focus on just one or two peaks during Christmas sales.

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6. Messaging fuels loyalty

More and more customers communicate through messages. In fact, ten times more messages are now being sent between people and businesses than three years ago. In addition, the 65% of Christmas consumers they say they are more likely to shop with businesses they can message.

In addition to these 6 rules for Christmas marketing on Facebook, the social network recommends an action plan in 4 phases:

  • Phase 1: Prepare. Start planning and preparing for the holiday season, between June and August
  • Phase 2: Create momentum. Start your branding and acquisition campaigns, between September and October.
  • Phase 3: Maximize sales. Start with the sales campaigns, between November and December
  • Phase 4: Post Christmas festivities. Sales and retention: prepare your campaigns during January.

The Facebook Christmas Marketing Guide also includes a calendar template so you don’t miss a single moment in the 4 phases of your strategy this season.

You can access each of the details contained in the guide in its 63 pages and know in depth how to carry out your Christmas marketing campaign accessing the one that Facebook has opened for this purpose.

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